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This type checks whether a bank account number is valid. You can use this validation on attributes of base type string.


Code Block
  • Type - The type can be either 'bank' for bank account numbers or 'giro' for giro account numbers, or a combination 'bank/giro'.

  • Locale - Specify the country code for which you want to validate the bankaccount number, e.g. nl_NL for the Netherlands.


  1. Assume you have added the validation type BankAccount with parameters <bank><nl_NL> to the attribute Client.BankaccountNr, then

    • Client.BankaccountNr = “123456789” is valid;

    • Client.BankaccountNr = “123456780” is invalid.

  2. Assume you have added the validation type BankAccount with parameters <giro><nl_NL> to the attribute Client.BankaccountNr, then

    • Client.BankaccountNr = “P55555” is valid;

    • Client.BankaccountNr = “55555” is invalid.

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This type validates a string as International Bank Account Number (IBAN) performing a basic mod-97 calculation (ISO 7064) and country specific pattern checks. IBAN has no parameters.


  • “TN5910006035183598478831” validates as IBAN.

  • “TN5910006035183598478830” does not validate as IBAN.

UI Text Box
the validator may return true for invalid bank account numbers. No bank specific account restriction checks are performed.

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Use this type to construct validations for specific date formats. You can use this validation on attributes that have base type date.


Code Block
  • comparedate - Compare the attribute value to a specific date, the dateformat of this date should be 'yyyy/MM/dd'.

  • comparator - The type of comparison, this can be 'less', 'equal' and 'greater'.

  • compareday - There are three options:

    • a number between 1 and 31; the day part of the attribute value is compared with this value.

    • '+' followed by a number; the day part of the attribute value is compared with the current day '+' the specified number.

    • '–' followed by a number; the day part of the attribute value is compared with the current day '–' the specified number.

  • comparemonth - There are three options:

    • a number between 1 and 12; the month part of the attribute value is compared with this value.

    • '+' followed by a number; the month part of the attribute value is compared with the current month '+' the specified number.

    • '–' followed by a number; the month part of the attribute value is compared with the current month '–' the specified number.

  • compareyear - There are three options:

    • a number; the year part of the attribute value is compared with this value.

    • '+' followed by a number; the year part of the attribute value is compared with the current year '+' the specified number.

    • '–' followed by a number; the year part of the attribute value is compared with the current year '–' the specified number.


Suppose that TODAY = 07-10-2004.


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This type checks the boundaries of an attribute with base type number, integer, currency or percentage.


Code Block
  • maxIncl - The attribute value should be less than or equal to this value.

  • minIncl - The attribute value should be greater than or equal to this value.

  • maxExc - The attribute value should be less than this value.

  • minExcl - The attribute value should be greater than this value.



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Include Page
Validation type BankAccount for bank account numbers
Validation type BankAccount for bank account numbers

Include Page
Validation type Date
Validation type Date

Include Page
Validation type IBAN
Validation type IBAN

Include Page
Validation type Number
Validation type Number

Include Page
Validation type Regexp for regular expression
Validation type Regexp for regular expression

Include Page
Validation type SofiNumberValidator for Sofi number
Validation type SofiNumberValidator for Sofi number

Include Page
Validation type StringLength for string length
Validation type StringLength for string length

This validation type checks whether a string value is part of a specified set of strings. You can use this type to validate a string as a correct postal code format, telephone number or email address.


Code Block
  • posRegExp - The attribute value should satisfy this regular expression.

  • negRegExp - The attribute value should not satisfy this regular expression.

The following characters are allowed in these regular expressions:

Code Block

The regular expressions used in several Blueriq Studio functions are common Java 1.4 expressions. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation.

UI Text Box

When writing regular expressions, you should make sure that they do not make the system vulnerable to ReDos attacks. The system can give a denial of service when an evil expression is used, that takes very long to evaluate by the parser.
Examples of evil regular expressions:

  • (a+)+
  • ([a-zA-Z]+)*
  • (a|aa)+
  • (a|a?)+
  • (.*a){x} | for x > 10

The above are suspectible to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

It is difficult to give general rules that make sure that your expression is not evil, and even recognizing them can be hard. When writing regular expressions, consider Atomic Groups which help to avoid the evil behavior.


Postal code

Code Block
<^[0-9]{4}( ?)[a-zA-Z]{2}$>


Telephone number

Code Block


E-mail address

Code Block


UI Text Box

For more examples, you can check this website:

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This type checks whether a social security number is valid. You can use this validation on attributes that have base type string.


Code Block
  • locale - Specify the country code for which you want to validate the social security number, e.g. nl_NL for the Netherlands.


Assume you have added the validation type SofiNumberValidator with parameter <nl_NL> to the attribute Client.SocialSecurityNr, then

  • Client.SocialSecurityNr = “123456782” is valid;

  • Client.SocialSecurityNr = “123456789” is invalid.

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This type validates the length of a string value.


Code Block
  • minLength - The length of the attribute value should be greater than or equal to this value.

  • maxLength - The length of the attribute value should be less than or equal to this value.



UI Expand
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