Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Mask types overview

The following mask types are available in the Blueriq library BlueriqBasicModelling Library: 

Mask typeBase typeDescription
AQ_DatePatterndate, dateTimeApplies a date(-time) format with a specific pattern to a date(-time) value.
AQ_FirstToUpperCasestringConverts the first character of a string to upper case and the rest of the string to lowercase.
AQ_NumberPatterninteger, number, currency, percentageApplies a number format with a specific pattern to an numerical value.
AQ_OrdinalNumberintegerDisplays an ordinal number for an integer value.
AQ_RegularExpressionstring, number, integer, currency, percentageReplaces each substring of a string value that matches a given regular expression with the given replacement.
AQ_RomanIntegerintegerDisplays an integer value in roman numerals.
AQ_SetCasestringDisplays a string value in upper or lower
AQ_SpelledBooleanbooleanDisplays a boolean value in words.
AQ_SpelledCurrencycurrencyDisplays a currency value in words.
AQ_SpelledDayOfWeekintegerDisplays a weekday in words.
AQ_SpelledDeltaDatedate, dateTimeDisplays the difference between a date and today in words and integers.
AQ_SpelledIntegerintegerDisplays an integer value in words.
AQ_SpelledMonthintegerDisplays a month in words.
AQ_SpelledNumbernumberDisplays a number value in words.

Include Page
Mask type AQ_DatePattern

You can use this mask type when you want to create masks that change the way a date or dateTime value is displayed in Blueriq Studio documents.





To define your own date mask you must compose a date pattern using the following options:




The following characters are allowed to be used as separators in a date-time mask:




Supported attribute types

  • date
  • dateTime

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.






You can use this mask type to capitalise the first letter of (part of) a string and make the remaining characters lowercase.





Supported attribute types

  • string






You can use this mask type when you want to create masks that change the way a number value is displayed in Blueriq Studio documents.




a number format pattern

at least one zero at the end of the decimal syntax is required.



Supported attribute types

  • number
  • percentage
  • currency
  • integer






when you place a currency sign in front of a number, don’t forget to add a space behind the currency sign. So, write '€ ' instead of '€' in the prefix.



This mask type is used to display integers in words as ordinal numbers, e.g. “1” will be displayed as “first”.


  • none

Supported attribute types

  • integer

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.






This mask type is used to create special formatting of numbers or strings. The specified regular expression is used to select parts of the input and replace that with the string that you define in the replace parameter.




a pattern that selects parts of the input

the regular expressions used in several Blueriq Studio functions are common Java 1.4 expressions. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation.



Supported attribute types

  • integer
  • number
  • percentage
  • currency
  • string

While parsing a mask of this type the initial input string is transformed in the following order:

  1. changing the case of the string to upper or to lower case
  2. adding the prefix
  3. adding the postfix
  4. performing the regular expression search
  5. completing the transformation using the replace string




Mask type AQ_DatePattern

Include Page
Mask type AQ_FirstToUpperCase
Mask type AQ_FirstToUpperCase

Include Page
Mask type AQ_NumberPattern
Mask type AQ_NumberPattern

Include Page
Mask type AQ_OrdinalNumber
Mask type AQ_OrdinalNumber

Include Page
Mask type AQ_RegularExpression
Mask type AQ_RegularExpression

Include Page
Mask type AQ_RomanInteger
Mask type AQ_RomanInteger

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SetCase
Mask type AQ_SetCase

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SpelledBoolean
Mask type AQ_SpelledBoolean

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SpelledCurrency
Mask type AQ_SpelledCurrency

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SpelledDayOfWeek
Mask type AQ_SpelledDayOfWeek

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SpelledDeltaDate
Mask type AQ_SpelledDeltaDate

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SpelledInteger
Mask type AQ_SpelledInteger

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SpelledMonth
Mask type AQ_SpelledMonth

Include Page
Mask type AQ_SpelledNumber
Mask type AQ_SpelledNumber



This mask type is used to display positive integer values as roman numerals.





Supported attribute types

  • positive integer (0 < integer < 1.000.000)






This mask type is used to make the characters of the selected part of the string uppercase or lowercase.





Supported attribute types

  • string






This mask type is used to display a boolean value in words.





Supported attribute types

  • boolean

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.






This mask type is used to display a currency value in words.





Supported attribute types

  • currency

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.






This mask type is used to display an integer value that represents a weekday in words.





Supported attribute types

  • integer

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.






This mask type is used to display the difference between a date and today in words and integers.


  • none

Supported attribute types

  • date
  • dateTime

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.


Let's go back to 2010-03-26.





This mask type is used to display an integer value in words.


  • none

Supported attribute types

  • integer

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
  • af, ba, bg, ca, cpe, cs, cy, da, de, el, eo, es, et, fa, fi, fr, fy, ga, gd, haw, hi, hu, id, is, it, ja, kl, kn, lisu, lt, ml, ms, ne, pap, pl, pt, qu, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sm, sq, sr, sus, sv, sw, th, tl, tr, vi, yi, yo, zh (see a list of language names)
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.






This mask type is used to display an integer value representing a month, in words.


  • none

Supported attribute types

  • integer (1..12)

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.






This mask type displays a number value in words.


  • none

Supported attribute types

  • number

Supported languages

  • Dutch
  • English
  • af, ba, bg, ca, cpe, cs, cy, da, de, el, eo, es, et, fa, fi, fr, fy, ga, gd, haw, hi, hu, id, is, it, ja, kl, kn, lisu, lt, ml, ms, ne, pap, pl, pt, qu, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sm, sq, sr, sus, sv, sw, th, tl, tr, vi, yi, yo, zh (see a list of language names)
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.


