Mask types overview

The following mask types are available in the BlueriqBasicModelling Library

Mask typeBase typeDescription
AQ_DatePatterndate, dateTimeApplies a date(-time) format with a specific pattern to a date(-time) value.
AQ_FirstToUpperCasestringConverts the first character of a string to upper case and the rest of the string to lowercase.
AQ_NumberPatterninteger, number, currency, percentageApplies a number format with a specific pattern to an numerical value.
AQ_OrdinalNumberintegerDisplays an ordinal number for an integer value.
AQ_RegularExpressionstring, number, integer, currency, percentageReplaces each substring of a string value that matches a given regular expression with the given replacement.
AQ_RomanIntegerintegerDisplays an integer value in roman numerals.
AQ_SetCasestringDisplays a string value in upper or lower
AQ_SpelledBooleanbooleanDisplays a boolean value in words.
AQ_SpelledCurrencycurrencyDisplays a currency value in words.
AQ_SpelledDayOfWeekintegerDisplays a weekday in words.
AQ_SpelledDeltaDatedate, dateTimeDisplays the difference between a date and today in words and integers.
AQ_SpelledIntegerintegerDisplays an integer value in words.
AQ_SpelledMonthintegerDisplays a month in words.
AQ_SpelledNumbernumberDisplays a number value in words.