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titleDate and time formats

The way in which date and time values are displayed in the user interface is determined by the date display formats, which can be configured per language code.
For example the Dutch nl-NL date format could be configured as "dd-MM-yyyy", whereas the English en-US date format can be defined as "MM/dd/yyyy". More information about language specific formats can be found herein Reference Guide: Language Formats


DATETIMECreates a dateTime value out of integers.
DATECreates a date value out of integers.
ADD PERIOD TO DATECalculates a new date by adding a specified period to a specified date.
ADD PERIOD TO DATETIMECalculates a new dateTime by adding a specified period to a specified dateTime.
SUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATECalculates a new date by subtracting a specified period from a specified date.
SUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATETIMECalculates a new dateTime by subtracting a specified period from a specified dateTime.
PERIOD BETWEENCalculates the period between two date or dateTime objects.


Calculates the working days between two date or dateTime objects.


Returns the year of a date or dateTime value.
MONTHReturns the month of a date or dateTime value.
DAYReturns the day of a date or dateTime value.
HOURReturns the hour of a dateTime value.
MINUTEReturns the minute of a dateTime value.
SECONDReturns the second of a dateTime value.
TODAYReturns the current date of the server.
NOWReturns the current date and time of the server.
WEEKNUMBERReturns the week number within the year of a given date or dateTime value.
DAYOFWEEKReturns the number of the day within the week of a given date or dateTime value. 
