Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • from string to integer, number, currency, percentage, date, dateTime or Boolean

  • from integer to string, number, currency or percentage

  • from number to string, integer, currency or percentage

  • from currency to string, integer or number

  • from percentage to string, integer or number

  • from date to string or dateTime

  • from dateTime to string or date

  • from Boolean to string, integer or number




TEXTConverts a value of another data type into a string. 
INTEGERConverts a value of another data type into an integer. 
NUMBERConverts a value of another data type into a number. 
CURRENCYConverts a value of another data type into a currency.  
PERCENTAGEConverts a value of another data type into a percentage. 
DATEConverts a value of another data type into a date. 
DATETIMEConverts a value of another data type into a datetime. 
BOOLEANConverts a value of a string into a boolean. 

Output formats in the runtime


Include Page
Conversion function TEXT
Conversion function TEXT
