Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • from string to integer, number, currency, percentage, date, dateTime or Boolean

  • from integer to string, number, currency or percentage

  • from number to string, integer, currency or percentage

  • from currency to string, integer or number

  • from percentage to string, integer or number

  • from date to string or dateTime

  • from dateTime to string or date

  • from Boolean to string, integer or number


Table of Contents


TEXTConverts a value of another data type into a string. 
INTEGERConverts a value of another data type into an integer. 
NUMBERConverts a value of another data type into a number. 
CURRENCYConverts a value of another data type into a currency.  
PERCENTAGEConverts a value of another data type into a percentage. 
DATEConverts a value of another data type into a date. 
DATETIMEConverts a value of another data type into a datetime. 
BOOLEANConverts a value of a string into a boolean. 

Output formats in the runtime


Include Page
Conversion function TEXT
Conversion function TEXT

Include Page
Conversion function INTEGER
Conversion function INTEGER

Include Page
Conversion function NUMBER
Conversion function NUMBER

Include Page
Conversion function CURRENCY
Conversion function CURRENCY

Include Page
Conversion function PERCENTAGE
Conversion function PERCENTAGE

Include Page
Conversion function DATE
Conversion function DATE

Include Page
Conversion function DATETIME
Conversion function DATETIME

Include Page
Conversion function BOOLEAN
Conversion function
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: TEXTDOC:Conversion function: TEXT
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: INTEGERDOC:Conversion function: INTEGER
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: NUMBERDOC:Conversion function: NUMBER
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: CURRENCYDOC:Conversion function: CURRENCY
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: PERCENTAGEDOC:Conversion function: PERCENTAGE
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: DATEDOC:Conversion function: DATE
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: DATETIMEDOC:Conversion function: DATETIME
Include Page
DOC:Conversion function: BOOLEANDOC:Conversion function: BOOLEAN

Output formats in the runtime

Please see the Reference Guide: Language Formats to change how the runtime displays attributes.