Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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TRIM strips the leading and trailing spaces from a string 


Code Block
TRIM string


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


TRIM "Hello""Hello"String
TRIM ( "Hello World" )"Hello World"String
TRIM "   Hello   World   ""Hello   World"String
TRIM ( ? )?String

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INDEXOF returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified substring in a string.


Code Block
INDEXOF ( string , substring )
INDEXOF ( string , substring , startIndex )


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • substring - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • startIndex - A (positive) integer value indicating at which character the search for the substring should start (inclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value.
    The first character starts at index 0.

Return type

  • integer - the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring or -1 if it is not found


ExpressionResultTypeINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" )4IntegerINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , 5 )7IntegerINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "a" )-1IntegerINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , 8 )-1IntegerINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , -12 )4IntegerINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , 50 )-1Integer
UI Text Box
There is no restriction on the value of startIndex. If it is negative, it has the same effect as if it were zero: this entire string may be searched. If it is greater than the length of this string, it has the same effect as if it were equal to the length of this string: -1 is returned.

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LASTINDEXOF returns the index of the last occurrence of a specified substring in a string. 


Code Block
LASTINDEXOF ( string , substring )
LASTINDEXOF ( string , substring , startIndex )


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • substring - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • startIndex - A (positive) integer value indicating at which character the search for the substring should start (inclusive), searching backwards. This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value.

Return type

  • integer - the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring or -1 if it is not found


ExpressionResultTypeLASTINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" )7IntegerLASTINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , 6 )4IntegerLASTINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "a" )-1IntegerLASTINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , 3 )-1IntegerLASTINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , -12 )-1IntegerLASTINDEXOF ( "Hello world" , "o" , 50 )7Integer
UI Text Box
There is no restriction on the value of startIndex. If it is negative, it has the same effect as if it were zero: -1 is returned since there are no characters before character 0. If startIndex is greater than the length of this string, it has the same effect as if it were equal to the length of this string, so the whole string is searched.

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SUBSTRING returns the substring of a given string starting from the index provided and ending at the end index if provided, or the end of the string. 


Code Block
SUBSTRING ( string , startIndex )
SUBSTRING ( string , startIndex , endIndex )


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • startIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the substring should start (inclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. The first character starts at index 0.
  • endIndex - A positive integer value indicating at which character the substring should end (exclusive). This can be either an attribute of base type integer, an expression that results in an integer or a constant integer value. The endIndex cannot exceed the length of the string and should be larger than the startIndex.

Return type

  • string


ExpressionResultTypeSUBSTRING ( "Hello world" , 1 )"ello world"StringSUBSTRING ( "Hello world" , 0 , 1 )"H"StringSUBSTRING ( "Hello world" , 1 , 5 )"ello"StringSUBSTRING ( "Hello world" , 0 )"Hello world"StringSUBSTRING ( "Hello world" , 0 , LENGTH( "Hello world" ) )"Hello world"String
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SUBSTRING_BEFORE returns the start of a given string before the first occurrence of substring, or an empty string if substring is not found


Code Block
SUBSTRING BEFORE substring IN string
SUBSTRING_BEFORE ( string , substring )


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • substring - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


ExpressionResultTypeSUBSTRING BEFORE ":" IN "hello:world""hello"StringSUBSTRING_BEFORE ( "hello:world" , ":" )"hello"String

SUBSTRING_BEFORE ( "hello:world:all" , ":" )

"hello"StringSUBSTRING_BEFORE ( "hello:world" , "h" )""StringSUBSTRING BEFORE "a" IN "hello:world"""StringSUBSTRING_BEFORE ( "" , "hello" )""StringSUBSTRING_BEFORE ( "hello" , "" )""String

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SUBSTRING_AFTER returns the end of a given string after the first occurrence of substring, or an empty string if substring is not found. 


Code Block
SUBSTRING AFTER substring IN string
SUBSTRING_AFTER ( string , substring )


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • substring - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • string


ExpressionResultTypeSUBSTRING AFTER ":" IN "hello:world""world"StringSUBSTRING_AFTER ( "hello:world:all" , ":" )"world:all"StringSUBSTRING AFTER "a" IN "hello:world"""StringSUBSTRING_AFTER ( "" , "hello" )""StringSUBSTRING_AFTER ( "hello" , "" )"hello"String

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SPLIT returns a multivalued attribute containing every substring that is delimited by the given pattern. 


Code Block
SPLIT string ON pattern
SPLIT ( string , pattern )


  • string - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • pattern - An attribute of base type string or a string value. String must be a valid regular expression. The regular expressions used in several Blueriq Studio functions are common Java 1.4 expressions. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation.

Return type

  • string (multivalued)


ExpressionResultTypeSPLIT "Hello world" ON "o"[ "Hell" , " w" , "rld" ]String (multivalued)SPLIT ( "Hello world" , "a" )[ "Hello world" ]String (multivalued)SPLIT "Hello" ON "o"[ "Hell" ]String (multivalued)SPLIT ( "ooo" , "o" )[ ]String (multivalued)SPLIT ( "bot" , "o" )[ "b" , "t" ]String (multivalued)SPLIT ( "boot" , "o" )[ "b" , "", "t" ]String (multivalued)SPLIT ( "booot" , "o" )[ "b" , "", "t" ]String (multivalued)To remove dots from a string in combination with the JOIN function:JOIN ( SPLIT ( "H.E.L.L.O" , "\.") , "" )"HELLO"String
UI Text Box

If you use the SPLIT in a default expression on an multivalued attribute, please note that the result will be stored as collection, meaning that all duplicates will be removed. To illustrate this: suppose we have an attribute Test.Splitted (multivalued), which has the default expression SPLIT ( "H.E.L.L.O" , "\."). The result of the expression JOIN ( Test.Splitted , "" ) = "HELO" instead of "HELLO" as in the last example.

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The REPLACE function replaces every occurrence of a string pattern within another string with a provided replacement string. The function is case-sensitive.


Code Block
REPLACE pattern IN string WITH replacement
REPLACE ( pattern , string , replacement )
  • pattern - An attribute of base type string or a string value. String must be a valid regular expression. The regular expressions used in several Blueriq Studio functions are common Java 1.4 expressions. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation.
  • string - An attribute of base type string or an expression that results in a string.
  • replacement - An attribute of base type string or an expression that results in a string.

Return type

  • string. If the pattern is not found, the original string is returned.


ExpressionResultTypeREPLACE ":" IN  "hello:world:example" WITH " ""hello world example"StringREPLACE ( "o" , "hello world" , "a" )"hella warld"StringREPLACE ( "O" , "hello world" , "a" )"hello world"StringREPLACE "\s" IN "hello world example" WITH """helloworldexample"StringREPLACE ( "\d{2}" , "hello1 world22 example333" , "@" )"hello1 world@ example@3"StringREPLACE ( "" , "hello world" , " " )" h e l l o   w o r l d "StringREPLACE "\s" IN "hello world example" WITH "\s""hello\sworld\sexample"String
UI Text Box
The first argument is a pattern (regular expression) and can therefore contain specials like \s for a space. The second and third arguments are strings or expressions, so \s will result in \s.

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EQUALS compares two strings and returns TRUE if and only if they are equal. This function is case sensitive.

UI Text Box

Only use this function if you need a case sensitive comparison of two strings. If you want to compare strings case insensitive, use the '=' operator instead.


Code Block
string1 EQUALS string2
EQUALS ( string1 , string2 )


  • string1 - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.
  • string2 - An attribute of base type string, an expression that results in a string or a constant string value.

Return type

  • Boolean


ExpressionResultTypeNote"hello" EQUALS "hello"TRUEBooleanEQUALS ( "hello" , "Hello" )FALSEBooleanFALSE because EQUALS is case sensitive"hello" EQUALS "hello "FALSEBooleanFALSE because of trailing spaceEQUALS ( "" , "" )TRUEBoolean

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