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Code Block
C:\model-mapper\cli-test-runner-win.exe --proxyServerUrl=http://localhost:1337 --studioUsername=username --studioPassword=password --repository=MyRepository --branch=Trunk --projectprojects=MyProjectMyProject1,MyProject2

When this configuration is used and the Test Runner is ranhas been executed, the test results will we available at C:\model-mapper\target\testresultsTestResults-MyProject1.xml. Another way to execute the Test Runner is via configuration file, which can be used to pass in the command line arguments. An example of such configuration file would look like this.

Code Block
  "proxyServerUrl": "http://localhost:1337",
  "studioUsername": "username",
  "studioPassword": "password",
  "repository": "MyRepository",
  "branch": "Trunk",
  "projectprojects": "MyProjectMyProject1,MyProjects2"

To use the configuration file config.json, execute the Test Runner with the following command.


The Test Runner can be either configured by a JSON configuration file or by command line arguments. when running the Test Runner with the argument --help a list of configurable argumentis arguments is displayed.

ArgumentRequiredExplanationDefault value

The url of the proxy server(NGINX) of the Model Mapper

Example: http://myurl:port/

--studioUsernameyesThe studio username which is used to retrieve information from Blueriq Studio-
--studioPasswordyesThe studio password which is used to retrieve information from Blueriq Studio-
--repository, -ryesThe studio repository which is used to retrieve information from Blueriq Studio-
--branch, -byesThe studio branch which is used to retrieve information from Blueriq Studio-
--projectprojects, -pyesnoThe studio project which is projects which are used to retrieve information from Blueriq Studio, when not provided all projects are retrieved-
--outputDirnoThe output directory where the ouput file will be created in<currentDirectory>/target--outputFilenoThe output file where the result of the run will be stored intestresults.xml
-c ,--confignoThe location of a JSON config file containing configured test runner argument-