Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Learn more about the data type conversion functions TEXT, INTEGER, NUMBER, CURRENCY, PERCENTAGE, DATE, DATETIME, BOOLEAN. 

Convert a value of one data type into a value of another data type using conversion functions. The following conversion functions are available:

  • from string to integer, number, currency, percentage, date, dateTime or boolean
  • from integer to string, number, currency or percentage
  • from number to string, integer, currency or percentage
  • from currency to string, integer or number
  • from percentage to string, integer or number
  • from date to string or dateTime
  • from dateTime to string or date
  • from boolean to string, integer or number

On this page

Table of Contents


from X to string

Code Block
TEXT(integer, [format], [locale])
TEXT(number, [format], [locale])
TEXT(currency, [format], [locale])
TEXT(percentage, [format], [locale])
TEXT(date, [format])
TEXT(dateTime, [format])
TEXT(boolean, [format])

from X to integer

Code Block
INTEGER(string, [format], [locale])

from X to number

Code Block
NUMBER(string, [format], [locale])

from X to currency

Code Block
CURRENCY(string, [format], [locale])

from X to percentage

Code Block
PERCENTAGE(string, [format], [locale])

from X to date

Code Block
DATE(string, [format])

from X to datetime

Code Block
DATETIME(string, [format])

from X to boolean

Code Block
BOOLEAN(string, [format])
  • value - The value of the date type that is converted.
  • format - The format used for conversion. Format must be enclosed by quotes, e.g. “00.00”.
  • locale - Locale specifies a combination of language and country. A locale in the option set will override the one that is used as default in the project. Commonly used are en-US, en-GB, nl-NL, nl-BE, fr-FR. The list of language codes can be found here. A list of country codes can be found here.

Default formats

For all conversion functions that use a string as parameter (e.g., DATETIME(string, [format])), the [format] describes the format in which the string parameter is in. By default, these formats are used.

  • boolean - true;false
  • integer - no default format, the complete string is parsed to integer (leading zeros possible and will be removed)
  • number - 4 digits
  • percentage - 2 digits
  • currency - 2 digits
  • date - yyyy-MM-dd
  • datetime - yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

For the TEXT function, the format specifies how the given datatype is converted towards a string. The defaults are as followed:

  • boolean - true;false
  • integer - no default format, the complete integer is set as string (no leading zeros)
  • number - rounded to one digit
  • percentage - rounded to one digit
  • currency - rounded to one digit
  • date - yyyy-MM-dd
  • datetime - yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

Date Patterns

Include Page
Date Patterns
Date Patterns


  • TEXT(PERCENTAGE(1.2), “00.00”, “nl-NL”) results in a string value “01,20”
  • TEXT(123456.78,"#0,000","nl-NL") results in 123.456. A thousand separator has been added, and any digits after the comma are stripped. The thousand separator is a point, as that is the defined in the nl-NL locale.

  • INTEGER(“1,0”, ”#0.0”, “nl-NL”) results in an integer value 1
  • NUMBER(TRUE) results in a number value 1.0000
  • CURRENCY(“1.2”, “invalidPattern”) results in a currency value 1.20 (an unknown pattern will be ignored)
  • DATETIME(“19861221 12:02:56”, “yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss") results in a dateTime value 1986-12-21T12:02:56
  • BOOLEAN(“1”,”1;0”) results in a boolean value TRUE

Output Formats in the runtime

Each data type is defined in the runtime as follows:

  • INTEGER #0
  • NUMBER #0.0000
  • CURRENCY #0.00
  • PERCENTAGE #0.00
  • BOOLEAN true,1;false,0

E.g.: numbers will always be shown with 4 decimals.

You can adjust how the runtime displays these datatypes by adding a file to the aquima.home folder. Such a file may look like this:


To let the runtime use 6 digits for a number, you can change the number setting to: number=0.000000.