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Reference guide: functions and expressions


CategoryFunctionDescriptionLogicANDReturns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUEORReturns TRUE if any argument is TRUETRUEReturns the boolean value TRUEFALSEReturns the boolean value FALSENOTReverses the boolean value of its argumentUNKNOWNReturns the logical value unknownTextCONCATENATEJoins several text items into one text itemJOINJoins several text items into one text item, while placing a separator character between themMATCHChecks if a string completely matches a regular expressionFINDReturns found characters if a pattern is found within text valueFIRSTReturns the first position where one text value is found within anotherLASTReturns the last position where one text value is found within anotherStatisticsAVERAGEReturns the average of its argumentsMINReturns the minimum of a specified value in a list or collectionMAXReturns the maximum of a specified value in a list or collectionCOUNTCounts the number of instances in a specified collectionDate and TimeDATETIMEConverts a date in the form of text or a date object to a dateTime objectDATEConverts a date in the form of text or a dateTime object to a date objectADD PERIOD TO DATEAdds a specified period (day, month etc.) to a dateADD PERIOD TO DATETIMEAdds a specified period (day, month etc.) to a dateSUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATESubtracts a specified period (day, month etc.) from a date and timeSUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATETIMESubtracts a specified period (day, month etc.) from a date and timePERIOD BETWEENReturns the period (days, months etc.) between two dates, two dateTimes or a date-dateTime combinationYEARReturns the number of the yearMONTHReturns the number of the monthDAYReturns the number of the day in the monthHOURReturns the number of hours in a dateTime objectMINUTEReturns the number of minutes in a dateTime objectSECONDReturns the number of seconds in a dateTime objectTODAYReturns today’s dateNOWReturns the current date and timeCollectionSIZE collectionReturns the size of a collectionUNIQUE collectionFilters duplicate instances in a collectionSUBSET OFReturns a subset of a collectionUNIONCombines two collections into one new collectionINTERSECTIONReturns the intersection of two collectionsMathADDAdds two numbersSUMSums the specified values in a collectionSUBTRACTSubtracts two numbersDIVIDEDivides two numbersDIVReturns the integer portion of a divisionMODReturns the remainder from divisionROUNDRounds a number to a specified number of digitsROUND TO MULTIPLERounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significanceMULTIPLYMultiplies two numbersPRODUCTMultiplies the specified values in a collectionPOWERReturns the result of a number raised to a powerLESSCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is smaller than the otherLESS OR EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is equal or smaller than the otherGREATERCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is greater than the otherGREATER OR EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is equal to or greater than the otherEQUALCompares two values and returns TRUE when they are equalNOT EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when they are not equalListEXISTSReturns TRUE if there is an instance that matches the specificationsALLReturns a collection of all instances of a specified entityCOLLECT FROMReturns a collection for a specified entityCOLLECT FROM WHEREReturns a collection for a specified entity that matches the specified conditionsCOLLECT FROM NAMEDReturns a collection for a specified entityCOLLECT FROM NAMED WHEREReturns a collection for a specified entity that matches the specified conditionsUNPACKReturns the content of a single-valued listConversionTEXTConverts a value type to stringINTEGERConverts a value type to integerNUMBERConverts a value type to numberCURRENCYConverts a value type to currencyPERCENTAGEConverts a value type to percentageDATEConverts a value type to dateDATETIMEConverts a value type to datetimeBOOLEANConverts a value type to booleanMore functionsISUNKNOWNReplaces an unknown value with a specified valueIS A TYPE OF AUTHORIZATIONROLES CHANNEL LANGUAGE PAGE PRIVILEGES EVENT 

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