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LogicANDReturns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE
ORReturns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
TRUEReturns the boolean value TRUE
FALSEReturns the boolean value FALSE
NOTReverses the boolean value of its argument
UNKNOWNReturns the logical value unknown
TextCONCATENATEJoins several text items into one text item
JOINJoins several text items into one text item, while placing a separator character between them
MATCHChecks if a string completely matches a regular expression
FINDReturns found characters if a pattern is found within text value
FIRSTReturns the first position where one text value is found within another
LASTReturns the last position where one text value is found within another
StatisticsAVERAGEReturns the average of its arguments
MINReturns the minimum of a specified value in a list or collection
MAXReturns the maximum of a specified value in a list or collection
COUNTCounts the number of instances in a specified collection
Date and TimeDATETIMEConverts a date in the form of text or a date object to a dateTime object
DATEConverts a date in the form of text or a dateTime object to a date object
ADD PERIOD TO DATEAdds a specified period (day, month etc.) to a date
ADD PERIOD TO DATETIMEAdds a specified period (day, month etc.) to a date
SUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATESubtracts a specified period (day, month etc.) from a date and time
SUBTRACT PERIOD FROM DATETIMESubtracts a specified period (day, month etc.) from a date and time
PERIOD BETWEENReturns the period (days, months etc.) between two dates, two dateTimes or a date-dateTime combination
YEARReturns the number of the year
MONTHReturns the number of the month
DAYReturns the number of the day in the month
HOURReturns the number of hours in a dateTime object
MINUTEReturns the number of minutes in a dateTime object
SECONDReturns the number of seconds in a dateTime object
TODAYReturns today’s date
NOWReturns the current date and time
CollectionSIZE collectionReturns the size of a collection
UNIQUE collectionFilters duplicate instances in a collection
SUBSET OFReturns a subset of a collection
UNIONCombines two collections into one new collection
INTERSECTIONReturns the intersection of two collections
MathADDAdds two numbers
SUMSums the specified values in a collection
SUBTRACTSubtracts two numbers
DIVIDEDivides two numbers
DIVReturns the integer portion of a division
MODReturns the remainder from division
ROUNDRounds a number to a specified number of digits
ROUND TO MULTIPLERounds a number to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance
MULTIPLYMultiplies two numbers
PRODUCTMultiplies the specified values in a collection
POWERReturns the result of a number raised to a power
LESSCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is smaller than the other
LESS OR EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is equal or smaller than the other
GREATERCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is greater than the other
GREATER OR EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when one is equal to or greater than the other
EQUALCompares two values and returns TRUE when they are equal
NOT EQUALCompares two number values and returns TRUE when they are not equal
ListEXISTSReturns TRUE if there is an instance that matches the specifications
ALLReturns a collection of all instances of a specified entity
COLLECT FROMReturns a collection for a specified entity
COLLECT FROM WHEREReturns a collection for a specified entity that matches the specified conditions
COLLECT FROM NAMEDReturns a collection for a specified entity
COLLECT FROM NAMED WHEREReturns a collection for a specified entity that matches the specified conditions
UNPACKReturns the content of a single-valued list
ConversionTEXTConverts a value type to string
INTEGERConverts a value type to integer
NUMBERConverts a value type to number
CURRENCYConverts a value type to currency
PERCENTAGEConverts a value type to percentage
DATEConverts a value type to date
DATETIMEConverts a value type to datetime
BOOLEANConverts a value type to boolean
More functionsISUNKNOWNReplaces an unknown value with a specified value


Date and Time


You can use this function to create2) a dateTime value out of integers or numbers 3).


DATETIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
  • year - An integer value between and including 1 and 9999 that represents the year in the constructed date.
  • month - An integer value between and including 1 and 12 that represents the month in the constructed date.
  • day - An integer value between and including 1 and 31 that represents the day in the constructed date.
  • hour - An integer value between and including 0 and 23 that represents the hours in the constructed time.
  • minute - An integer value between and including 0 and 59 that represents the minutes in the constructed time.
  • second - An integer value between and including 0 and 59 that represents the seconds in the constructed time.

Return type

  • dateTime


  • DATETIME(2010, 5, 25, 23, 00, 00) returns 25-5-2010 23:00:00
  • DATETIME(-2010, 5, 25, 23, 00, 00) results in UNKNOWN
  • DATETIME(2010, 5, 25, 45, 00, 00) results in UNKNOWN
1)2) there is also a conversion function DATETIME.
3) Numbers will be rounded to integers.


You can use this function to create1) a date value out of integers or numbers2).


DATE(year, month, day)
  • year - An integer value between and including 1 and 9999 that represents the year in the constructed date.
  • month - An integer value between and including 1 and 12 that represents the month in the constructed date.
  • day - An integer value between and including 1 and 31 that represents the day in the constructed date.

Return type

  • date


  • DATE(2010, 5, 25) returns 25-5-2010
  • DATE(-2010, 5, 25) results in UNKNOWN
  • DATE(2010, 2, 29) results in an error
1) there is also a conversion function DATE.
2) Numbers will be rounded to integers.


This function calculates a new date by adding a specified period to a specified date.


date + number period
  • date - The date that you want to add the specified period to.
  • number - Specifies how may periods you want to add to the date.
  • period - A keyword that specifies which time unit to add. Valid units are DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS.

Return type

  • date


  • 01-01-2015 + 1 DAYS equals 02-01-2015
  • 01-01-2015 + 1 WEEKS equals 08-01-2015
  • 01-01-2015 + 1 MONTHS equals 01-02-2015
  • 01-01-2015 + 1 YEARS equals 01-01-2015


This function calculates a new dateTime by adding a specified period to a specified dateTime.


dateTime + number period
  • dateTime - The dateTime that you want to add the specified period to.
  • number - Specifies how may periods you want to add to the dateTime.
  • period - A keyword that specifies which time unit to add. Valid units are DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS, HOURS, MINUTES and SECONDS.

Return type

  • dateTime


  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 + 1 DAYS equals 02-01-2015 13:23:04
  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 + 25 HOURS equals 02-01-2015 14:23:04
  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 + 60 SECONDS equals 01-01-2015 13:24:04
  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 + 1 MINUTES equals 01-01-2015 13:24:04


This function calculates a new date by subtracting a specified period from a specified date.


date – number period
  • date - The date that you want to subtract the specified period from.
  • number - Specifies how many periods you want to subtract from the date.
  • period - A keyword that specifies which time unit to subtract. Valid units are DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS and YEARS.

Return type

  • date


  • 01-01-2015 – 1 DAYS equals 31-12-2014
  • 01-01-2015 – 1 WEEKS equals 25-12-2014
  • 01-01-2015 – 1 MONTHS equals 01-12-2014
  • 01-01-2015 – 1 YEARS equals 01-01-2014


This function calculates a new dateTime by subtracting a specified period from a specified dateTime.


dateTime – number period
  • dateTime - The dateTime that you want to subtract the specified period from.
  • number - Specifies how many periods you want to subtract from the dateTime.
  • period - A keyword that specifies which time unit to subtract. Valid units are DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS, HOURS, MINUTES and SECONDS.

Return type

  • dateTime


  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 – 1 HOURS equals 01-01-2015 12:23:04
  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 – 25 HOURS equals 31-12-2014 12:23:04
  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 – 60 SECONDS equals 01-01-2015 13:22:04
  • 01-01-2015 13:23:04 – 1 MINUTES equals 01-01-2015 13:22:04


This function calculates the period between two date or dateTime objects. This function returns the number of full periods of the specified type between two dates or dateTimes.

Syntax 1)

period BETWEEN date1 AND date2
  • period 2) - A keyword that specifies which time unit to return. Valid units are DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS, HOURS, MINUTES and SECONDS.
  • date1 - The date or dateTime value that represents the start date.
  • date2 - The date or dateTime value that represents the end date.

Return type

  • integer


  • DAYS BETWEEN DATE(2010, 1, 1) AND DATE(2010, 2, 1) equals 31
  • DAYS BETWEEN DATE(2010, 5, 31) AND DATE(2010, 6, 1) equals 1
  • DAYS BETWEEN DATE(2010, 5, 31) AND DATETIME(2010, 6, 1, 12, 0, 0) equals 1, since 1 day and 12 hours have elapsed
  • DAYS BETWEEN DATETIME(2010, 1, 1, 14, 0, 0) AND DATETIME(2010, 1, 2, 13, 0, 0) equals 0, for only 23 hours have elapsed
  • YEARS BETWEEN DATE(2009, 1, 1) AND DATE(2010, 1, 1) equals 1
  • YEARS BETWEEN DATE(2010, 1, 1) AND DATE(2020, 1, 1) equals 10
  • YEARS BETWEEN DATE(2010, 1, 1) AND DATE(2011, 5, 1) equals 1
  • YEARS BETWEEN DATETIME(2010, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) AND DATE(2011,1,1) equals 0, since 364 days and 12 hours have elapsed
1) the order in which the dates are placed is irrelevant. YEARS BETWEEN date1 AND date2 = YEARS BETWEEN date2 AND date1
2) you can use the periods HOURS, MINUTES and SECONDS only if at least one of the dates is a dateTime object or expression.


YEAR returns the year of a date or dateTime value. The year is returned as a number in the range 1-9999.


YEAR(date | dateTime)
  • date or dateTime - The date or dateTime value of which the year must be returned.

Return type

  • integer


  • YEAR(DATE(2015, 01, 01)) equals 2015
  • YEAR(DATE(1978, 04, 11)) equals 1978


MONTH returns the month of a date or dateTime value. The month is returned as a number in the range 1-12.


MONTH(date | dateTime)
  • date or dateTime - The date or dateTime value of which the month must be returned.

Return type

  • integer


  • MONTH(DATE(2015, 01, 01)) equals 1
  • MONTH(DATE(1978, 04, 11)) equals 4


DAY returns the day of a date or dateTime value. The day is returned as a number in the range 1-31.


DAY(date | dateTime)
  • date or dateTime - The date or dateTime value of which the day must be returned.

Return type

  • integer


  • DAY(DATE(2015, 01, 01)) equals 1
  • DAY(DATE(1978, 04, 11)) equals 11


HOUR returns the hour of a dateTime value. The hour is returned as a number in the range 0-23.


  • dateTime - The dateTime value of which the hour must be returned.

Return type

  • integer


  • HOUR(DATETIME(2015, 5, 25, 00, 00, 00)) equals 0
  • HOUR(DATETIME(2015, 5, 25, 23, 00, 00)) equals 23


MINUTE returns the minute of a dateTime value. The minute is returned as a number in the range 0-59.


  • dateTime - The dateTime value of which the minute must be returned.

Return type

  • integer


  • MINUTE(DATETIME(2015, 5, 25, 00, 00, 00)) equals 0
  • MINUTE(DATETIME(2015, 5, 25, 23, 45, 00)) equals 45


SECOND returns the second of a dateTime value. The second is returned as a number in the range 0-59.


  • dateTime - The dateTime value of which the second must be returned.

Return type

  • integer


  • SECOND(DATETIME(2015, 5, 25, 00, 00, 00)) equals 0
  • SECOND(DATETIME(2015, 5, 25, 23, 45, 59)) equals 59


This function returns the current date of the server. The date is given as base type date, formatted as dd-mm-yyyy.



Return type 1)

  • date
1) the TODAY function returns a date stamp. It is only recalculated when the expression in which you use the TODAY function is reevaluated. This recalculation will not cause other expressions that use the TODAY function to be reevaluated.


This function returns the current date and time of the server. The date and time are given as base type dateTime, formatted as dd-mm-yyyy HH:mm:ss.



Return type 1)

  • dateTime
1) the NOW function returns a date- and timestamp. It is only recalculated when the expression in which you use the NOW function is reevaluated. This recalculation will not cause other expressions that use the NOW function to be reevaluated.


SIZE collection

This function determines the size of a collection.


  • collection - A collection of attribute or entity instances.

Return type

  • integer


Suppose you created a Parent and a Child entity. Parent has a multivalued relation with Child via the relation Parent.has_Children.

If the following instances where created:


Parent instanceChild instanceChild.nameChild.hobbies
Parent_1Child_1“Kim”“Reading”, “Dancing”
Child_2“Rick”“Tennis”, “Dancing”
Child_3“Bob”“Painting”, “Basketball”, “Reading”



  • without selecting a parent SIZE(Parent.has_children) results in an error
  • for Parent_1 SIZE(Parent.has_children) results in 3
  • for Parent_2 SIZE(Parent.has_children) results in 1
  • for Child_1 SIZE(Child.hobbies) results in 2
  • for Child_3 SIZE(Child.hobbies) results in 3
  • for Child_4 SIZE(Child.hobbies) results in 1
  • SIZE(? (= UNKNOWN)) results in 01)
1) COUNT and SIZE are similar except for ?: COUNT(?) = UNKNOWN
