You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


DCM, Interaction

Type of accelerator

Example project to demonstrate Blueriq functionality and accelerate your learning journey. 

How to get

Blueriq 16.0 and higher


This example project shows different steps in a credit card application process. The process is divided in 4 phases, showing differently structured processes and examples of logic in process modules. The interaction module features a worklist and the implementation contains examples of data rules and aggregates.


In order to run the credit card application you need to create a user with the correct roles in Blueriq Runtime. In the Runtime Dashboard, select the cogwheel and go to the "Runtime users properties" tab. Then enter the new user name, password, and roles and click "Add new user". Roles for this example are CallCenter, CreditCardCenter and FinancialRisk. Don't forget to reload the settings in the "General" tab after editing users. 

An example of users could be:

CCallCCallCallCenter, CreditCardCenter, FinancialRisk
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