You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Corresponding with release


This library contains all elements for basic Blueriq modelling.

Changes in this version:

  • Added Persistence parameter to AQ_File_Move service type

Asset types in this version

EmailAsset type that contains subject and a body.
StaticAsset type that contains text.

Flow types in this version

Custom schema elements in this version



This element explains how a certain attribute was derived by the inference engine. You can include this element in your response to the caller of the webservice.

This custom schema element has been deprecated in favor of AQ_JustificationTreeV2 and it will be removed in a future version of Blueriq.


This element explains how a certain attribute was derived by the inference engine. You can include this element in your response to the caller of the webservice.

Service types in this version



Activate a specific instance in a flow, for displaying on a page, use in conditions, subflows or pages.


The service can store, update and delete documents in a document management system (DMS).


This type of service is used to retrieve information from the current document for displaying purposes. The attribute types that are used in the parameters should match the type of information returned by the service to avoid type conversion errors.


Reads data from a CSV file.


Delete one or more instances.
N.B. Use type or attribute-path to select, not both


Delete a specific file.


Retrieve meta data from an uploaded file.


Move a file from one connection to another.


DEPRECATED. This service is deprecated.
Please use the parameters tab on function flows instead. 

With this service you can retrieve the parameter values that are submitted to the function call and place them in the profile.


DEPRECATED. This service is deprecated.
Please use the parameters tab on function flows instead. 

With this service you can set the outcome of your function call so that they can be retrieved from the calling application.


This service transfers the configured authentication claims from the session to the profile.


This service transfers the configured message headers from the session to the profile.


The AQ_GetRequestParameters service can be used to retrieve one or more URL arguments and place them on attributes in the profile.


Create an instance and set attributes and relations for it.


Update an instance by setting or clearing attributes and relations.


The mail service is a service which can send an email using an asset as body text optionally containing HTML tags.


Use this service when you want to export profile data (possibly with a data mapping) to an external system, such as a datawarehouse.


This service calls a Rest webservice.

All unmapped events will be redirected to the default exit node of the service call, even errors.


The AQ_StartProject service starts an exposed flow in another project.


This service stores a decision graph in the trace database.

Validation rule types in this version





Validates a string as International Bank Account Number (IBAN)





Container types in this version



This container retreives a document from a document management system (DMS) using a CMIS connection.


This container executes the selected decision tree. This container has no containment.


This container retrieves a number of decision trees that match the given symptom.


This container can be used for embedding an external flow from a different Blueriq application. 


With this container it is possible to download a file.


With this container it is possible to upload several files at once.


With this container it is possible to start a flow on refresh.


This container connects an instance of one entity to the instance of a related entity.


The AQ_InstanceList container shows instances of an entity, and of subtypes of that entity. The container can contain an expression to filter the entities shown. The instances to show can also be filtered by accessing the container through a multi-value relation (i.e., setting the context for the container).


Use this container to add justification to the outcome of your calculation or assessment.


Use this container to add justification to the outcome of your calculation or assessment. Improved version of AQ_Justifications.


This container type creates a navigation menu on the page. Each name of the first page in SinglePageFlow that is modelled in the PagesFlow will be displayed as a menu item. Optionally it is able to show the correctness of all pages.


A container that displays statistics.

Presentation styles in this version

toggleDisplays an attribute with a two-valued domain as a toggle. Ideally used on a boolean attribute.

Content styles in this version



This content style shows a way to link instances.


This content style shows the justifications texts.


Content styles in this version



Standard input field for Boolean


Boolean input field with presentation Toggle


Standard input field for Currency


Standard input field for Date


Standard input field for DateTime


Standard input field for Integer


Standard input field for Number


Standard input field for Percentage


Standard input field for String

Parameters in this version



This parameter can be used to add a explain text to a field type that can be used on a page.


This parameter can be used to add a placeholder text to a field type that can be used on a page.


This parameter can be used to add a explain text to a field type that can be used on a page.

Mask types in this version



This masktype is used to display a date. Weekdays, days, months and years can be displayed in words. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.


This masktype is used to make the first character of the selected part of the string uppercase and the rest of the selection lowercase.


This masktype is used to display numbers. Check the Aquima helpfiles for a complete description of the patterns to use in this masktype.


This masktype is used to display integers in words as ordinal numbers, e.g. 1 will be displayed as 'first' in English. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.


This masktype is used to create special formatting of numbers or strings. The specified regular expression is used to select parts of the input and replace that with the string that you defined in the replace parameter. 


This mask type displays a value of type integer in roman numerals


This masktype is used to make the the characters of the selected part of the string uppercase or lowercase.


This masktype displays a boolean value in words, e.g. TRUE will be displayed as yes for the english language. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.


This masktype displays a value of type currency in words. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.


This masktype is used to display an integer value that represents a weekday in words, e.g. 1 can be displayed as Sunday for the english language. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.


This mask returns a user friendly representation of the delta of a date with today.


This masktype displays a value of type integer in words. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.


This masktype is used to display an integer value that represents a month in words, e.g. 1 will be displayed as January for the English language. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.


This masktype displays a value of type number in words. The specification language determines which language is used for the conversion.

Masks in this version

AcronymAdds a dot (.) behind every character and makes it uppercase
AllLowercaseAll small caps
AllUppercaseCapitalize all
FirstUppercaseCapitalize first word in sentence, rest in small caps.
Bool_InWordsBoolean in words
Bool_InWordsAbbrBoolean in words abbreviated
Curr_Dollar_ValueInWordsDollar value in words
Curr_Dollar_ValueInWords_ZeroCentsDollar value in words, zero cents
Curr_Euro_2Digits_1000SepEuro value, two digits with thousand separator
Curr_Euro_2DigitsNoZerosEuro value, two non zero digits
Curr_Euro_2DigitsNoZeros_1000SepEuro value, two non zero digits with thousand separator
Curr_Euro_3DigitsNoZerosEuro value, three non zero digits
Curr_Euro_3DigitsNoZeros_1000SepEuro value, three non zero digits with thousand separator
Curr_Euro_NoDigitsEuro value, no digits
Curr_Euro_NoDigits_1000SepEuro value, no digits with thousand separator
Curr_Euro_ValueInWordsEuro value in words
Curr_Euro_ValueInWords_ZeroCentsEuro value in words, zero cents
Curr_Pound_ValueInWordsPound value in words
Curr_Pound_ValueInWords_ZeropenniesPound value in words, zero pence
Date_dayDay from date in words
Date_dayofweekWeek day
Date_dayofweekddmonthyyyy_SpaceSepweekday day month in words year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddDay from date in numbers
Date_ddMM_MinSepDay-month in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMM_SlashSepDay/month in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMM_SpaceSepDay month in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMMyy_MinSepday-month-year short, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMMyy_SlashSepday/month/year short, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMMyy_SpaceSepday month year short, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMMyyyy_MinSepday-month-year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMMyyyy_NoSepdaymonthyear, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMMyyyy_SlashSepday/month/year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddMMyyyy_SpaceSepday month year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddmonthyyyy_MinSepday-month in words-year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddmonthyyyy_SlashSepday/month in words/year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddmonthyyyy_SpaceSepday month in words year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_MinSepday-month short-year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_SlashSepday/month short/year, in numbers with zeros
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_SpaceSepday month short year, in numbers with zeros
Date_dmonthyyyy_SpaceSepshort day month in words year, in numbers with zeros
Date_MMMonth from date in numbers
Date_monthMonth from date in words
Date_RelativeToToday_InWordsDate relative to today in words
Date_shortmonthAbreviated month from date
Date_YearYear from date in words
Date_yyyyYear from date in numbers
Date_yyyyMMdd_MinSepyear-month-day, in numbers with zeros
Date_yyyyMMdd_SpaceSepyear month in words day, in numbers with zeros
Date_yyyymonthdd_MinSepmonth day year, in numbers with zeros, month in words
Date_yyyymonthdd_SpaceSepyear month day, in numbers with zeros
Date_yyyyshortmonthdd_MinSepyear-month short-day, in numbers with zeros
Date_yyyyshortmonthdd_SlashSepyear/month short/day, in numbers with zeros
Date_yyyyshortmonthdd_SpaceSepyear month short day, in numbers with zeros
DayOfWeekDay of the week, starts on Sunday
DayOfWorkWeekDay of the workweek, starts on Monday
Date_ddMMyy_hhmm_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes, 12-hour clock
Date_ddMMyy_hhmmss_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock
Date_ddMMyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock
Date_ddMMyyyy_hhmm_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock
Date_ddMMyyyy_hhmmss_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock
Date_ddMMyyyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock
Date_dMMyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock
Date_dMMyy_hmm_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes, 12-hour clock
Date_dMMyy_hmmss_12hoursDay-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock
Date_dMMyyyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock
Date_dMMyyyy_hmm_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock
Date_dMMyyyy_hmmss_12hoursDay-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock
Date_dmonthyyyy_HHmmss_24hoursDay month(long) year hours:minutes, 24-hour clock
Date_dmonthyyyy_hmm_12hoursDay month(long) year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock
Time_hhmm_12hoursHours:minutes, 12-hour clock AM/PM, with zero`s
Time_HHmm_24hoursHours:minutes, 24-hour clock
Time_hhmmss_12hoursHours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock AM/PM, with zero`s
Time_HHmmss_24hoursHours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock
Time_hmm_12hoursHours:minutes, 12-hour clock AM/PM, hours without zero
Time_hmmss_12hoursHours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock AM/PM, hours without zero
Int_InWordsInteger in words
Int_MonthInWordsMonth in words
RomanNumeralsLowWrite integer in lowercase roman numerals
RomanNumeralsUpWrite integer in uppercase roman numerals
Num_1DigitOne digit
Num_2DigitsTwo digits
Num_2Digits_1000SepTwo digits with thousand separator
Num_2Digits_InWordsTwo digit number in words
Num_2DigitsNoZerosTwo non zero digits
Num_2DigitsNoZeros_1000SepTwo non zero digits with thousand separator
Num_3DigitsThree digits
Num_3DigitsNoZerosThree non zero digits
Num_3DigitsNoZeros_1000SepThree non zero digits with thousand separator
Num_4DigitsFour digits
Num_5DigitsFive digits
Num_6DigitsSix digits
Num_AbsoluteThe absolute value of a number
Num_NoDigitsNo digits
Num_NoDigits_1000SepNo digits with thousand separator
Num_Ordinal_InWordsOrdinal number in words (Dutch and English supported).
Perc_1Digit_1000SepOne digit percentage with thousand separator
Perc_2Digit_1000SepTwo digit percentage with thousand separator
Perc_3Digit_1000SepThree digit percentage with thousand separator
Perc_1000SepPercentage with thousand separator
BankAccountNr_NLDutch bank account number
BankAccountNr_NLDutch bank account number
SocialSecurityNumber_DutchDutch social security number
String_ZipCode_NLDutch zip code