You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


The DCM Dashboard Service is a service which serves definitions to display a dashboard application. Dashboard definitions contains the skeleton structure and knowledge on how to structure your dashboard pages and how to transition between them.

Modelling definitions

Currently dashboard definitions needs to be created by hand and cannot be modelled using Encore or the Studio Client. This will change in the future. 


The DCM Dashboard Service is a standalone service. The corresponding WAR file can be found in the release zip or in Artifactory: The WAR file needs to be deployed to a supported application server, see Installing Runtime. The application requires a config location to specify the configuration outlined below. Note that the Blueriq DCM Development Installation includes the DCM Dashboard Service including configuration.

System requirements


2 CPU cores
256 MB Heap

2 CPU cores
512 MB Heap


In order to configure the DCM Dashboard Service, a blueriq-dcm-dashboard-service.yml file needs to be present spring.config.additional-location. Here, you can specify the location of your definitions, configure some additional settings.


The DCM Dashboard Service only support authentication using OAuth2 OpenID Connect tokens. Without configuring authentication the Dashboard Service is unable to provide dashboard definitions as it returns a filtered definition based on what the user is authorization to see. When configuring the jwk-set-uri property make sure it is configured to the host of the Gateway Service. This is essential for the token validation. 

          jwk-set-uri: http://{host}:{port}/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/certs

JWT claims path

You can optionally configure the path in which the username (principal) and roles are located in the JWT claims. They can be configured as JsonPath expression. By default, the username will be obtained from the sub claim, and the roles will be obtained from the roles subclaim in the realm_access claim.

# in this example, the username should be obtained from the 'subject' claim, 
# and the roles should be obtained from the 'rollen' subclaim in the 'realm_access' claim
    roles-path: $.realm_access.rollen
    username-path: $.subject

Dashboard Definitions

The Dashboard Service needs to know where dashboard definitions are located on disk to serve them via the REST API it provides.

        location: ${spring.config.additional-location}dashboard-definitions/

Environment override

In order to run dashboard widgets on different environments you can optionally configure the baseUrl path which is specified as the environment override in the model per widget. It is possible to configure both the global and add multiple override options.  By default, the baseUrl path for widgets will use global which is set to /runtime but can be changed. The override name is case insensitive and we cannot guarantee which environment override is used when a duplicate name is assigned, therefore we recommend to use each override name once.

# in this example, the global configuration is changed to /runtime2
# and there is an extra override configuration named "example" which is set to /runtime3
			baseUrl: "/runtime2"    	
				baseUrl: "/runtime3"

Dashboard Definition Structure

The main purpose of the Dashboard Service is to provide dashboard definitions. Currently is it not possible to create these definitions in one of Blueriq's modelling applications, therefor we have created a guide how to create these definitions including a small example.

How to create a dashboard definition