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A DCM Dashboard application is very easy to configure and to maintain. It consists of two main elements: pages and menus.


In a DCM Dashboard application there are two ways in which navigation can occur:

  1. The user interacts with the menu that is configured on the page. The menu references to another page in the DCM Dashboard application. 
  2. The user interacts with one of the widgets that is configured on the page. This widget might throw an event type specific to the DCM widget flow type. Pages in a DCM Dashboard can be configured to respond to such an event.

These two items form the bases that have to be configured in Encore for DCM Dashboard application, as can been seen in the example below.

When landing on a page, it has to be configured what will be shown to the user and in which layout this will be. 

The default layouts that are now available are:

  • Single column
  • Two equal columns
  • Left sidebar
  • Right sidebar

For these layout there are default implementations built into the Blueriq Material and as such do not need any further attention.

Lastly for each column the widgets have to configured.

Per widget some settings have to provided:

SettingSetting optionsDescription
TypeFlowThis setting allows you to configure which exposed flow from a Blueriq project will be started in this widget. 
TaskStarting the task will be done by the Case Engine in cooperation with the Runtime. The start task event type will provide the case and task ids, via its parameters, to the Case Engine.


ShortcutPreferred setting for production mode. This allows you to reference to a shortcut that you configured in the properties of the Blueriq Runtime.
DevelopmentThis option allows you to quickly change between flows and/or versions during development time. By referencing to the project name, the branch name and the exposed flow name.
Roles-The roles are available from the globals in the dashboard project. These can be shared via a library and be included via project structure.
Environment override-In order to run dashboard widgets on different environments you can optionally configure the baseUrl path which is specified as the environment override in the model per widget. More information about how to configure this can be found here.


Configuring the menu is very straight forward. Different menus can be created. Each menu consist of one or multiple menu item. For each menu item only three things have to be configured:

  1. The display text that has be shown in the application during execution
  2. The Dashboard page that is referenced to
  3. If there are any roles applied