You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Case-Modelling has been in beta stage in the Blueriq 15 major. At the latest minor, all Blueriq 16.0 changes have been merged back to Blueriq 15.13. From this point on Case-Modelling is out of beta and can be used.

Please make sure to upgrade to at least Blueriq 15.13 when using Case-Modelling, possibly in a production environment. Earlier minor versions are not supported.

Initial indexing API for DCM Lists

This endpoint publishes all cases and tasks as events to the DCM Lists application, via a queue. This endpoint needs to be enabled in configuration using the following property in the of the case-engine:



It's important that you run this endpoint when the Blueriq Runtime is not in active use!


 POST http://[host]:[port]/[case-engine_name]/server/caseengine/dcm-lists/index

Execution may take quite some time, depending on the number of cases. The progress of the indexing will be written to the log file on INFO level.


  1. No other users should use the runtime
  2. The Blueriq DCM Lists Service should be running and configured properly
  3. The property blueriq.dcm.lists-publisher.indexing.enabled  should be set to true.
  4. The endpoint uses the same authentication as other components in the Case Engine, see Blueriq Case Engine
  5. This endpoint is designed to be used only once.
    1. If the indexing fails, you can use this endpoint again if you drop the cases and tasks collections in MongoDB.
  6. The application ID that is stored with each case should resolve to a valid Blueriq project, according to the algorithm that is explained in the section about Migration API. If no project exists or if the project is not valid, the case and its tasks will be skipped.
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