You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Case-Modelling has been in beta stage in the Blueriq 15 major. At the latest minor, all Blueriq 16.0 changes have been merged back to Blueriq 15.13. From this point on Case-Modelling is out of beta and can be used.

Please make sure to upgrade to at least Blueriq 15.13 when using Case-Modelling, possibly in a production environment. Earlier minor versions are not supported.

Blueriq Dynamic Case Management has evolved. A new event-driven architecture has been added to the Blueriq platform. This topic describes the different components needed to use the new architecture.

The new architecture is developed in the DCM 2.0 program, separately from the current way of modeling processes and Dynamic Case Management.


In the Blueriq DCM architecture overview and subpages all components and configuration needed for the new setup for Dynamic Case Management are described. Deployment considerations DCM describes how we currently view things like scalability, security and backups in the new DCM architecture. As everything is currently still beta and therefore not running in production, this page will be complemented with experiences and feedback from customers (for example using the beta version).

Lastly, the DCM 2.0 beta release  describes the current state and what is required to use this.