You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Encore does not start

Encore is unable to start in the 15.9 release; this has been corrected in Blueriq 15.9.1

1. Enhancements

Status bar in Blueriq Encore

We've added a status bar in Blueriq Encore at the bottom of the screen to which we have moved the indicators for model validations, merge conflicts, and the save and cancel button. This means that the previous, somewhat larger save/cancel bar has now been removed. This solves problems users reported with the previous save/cancel bar to overlap content on the screen (e.g. flows) while now having a dedicated space for the aforementioned functionalities and information and more project related functionalities that will be added in the near future.


We've added a new version of the AQ_Justifications container. In the AQ_Justifications container, conditional formats have to be provided using pipe characters as separators in one string value which is error prone and hard to read.

In the new version, named AQ_JustificationsV2, a default format is used and conditional formats can be added using key-value pairs in which conditions can be provided in an expression editor that is being validated, taken into account in the dependencies, and being updated after renames of attributes. 

To use it, don't forget to update your AquimaLibrary to version 4.8.1 or higher.


We've added a new service type which enables the possibility to add (OpenID Connect) authentication claims to the profile. The authentication claims should be available in the ID token and can be mapped using properties. Using the key set in the properties, the values can be added to the profile using the AQ_GetAuthenticationClaims service. 

To use it, don't forget to update your AquimaLibrary to version 4.8.2 or higher.

2. Documentation

Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics.

3. Upgrade Instructions

The upgrade instructions for this release can be found here.

As a best practice

  • backup your repository
  • backup your database before running scripts
  • backup your spring.config.additional-location directory ([Blueriq installation directory]\Runtime)
  • backup any config files you have altered under [Blueriq installation directory]\Services

before you start the upgrade.

4. Artifacts

 The Blueriq artifacts are available under name:

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service4.1.5
DCM Lists Service2.2.6
Material Theme1.0.55
Development tools frontend1.2.3
DCM Maintenance App2.1.13

5. Aquima Libraries

The Aquima Library has been updated, see below what has changed:

6. Libraries

In this release, the set of third party libraries that is used by Blueriq was updated. When your installation of Blueriq includes custom components (artifacts that do not ship with Blueriq, such as proprietary plugins), those components should be tested for compatibility with these changes.




Version in 15.8.1

Version in 15.9


Apache License 2.0




Apache License 2.0



7. Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

8. Bug fixes







CVEs found on Runtime. CVE-2022-41881

Upgraded versions of Netty and Apache. See Blueriq Runtime Vulnerabilities.


Although the case engine does not use the timer, it is still triggered every hour

Disabled the timer completely. Note that as a side effect, System.TODAY wil no longer be updated, but this should not affect the case engine.



Session fixation protection was skipped on authentication controller methods which includes authentication using a custom theme and authentication using OpenID Connect.

The session fixation strategy has been applied to those controller methods.



Encore did not report an error for duplicate global elements in another library.

Duplicates of globals in another library are now detected.



The actuators are causing warnings in the logging at startup. This might result in the actuator endpoint not working.

endpoints are renamed to follow Spring convenctions, so there are no warnings. 
Customers need to migrate endpoints names:
portal-session-reset-compose-time -> portalSessionResetComposeTime
portal-session-reset-exceptions -> portalSessionResetExceptions
portal-session-reset-handle-event -> portalSessionResetHandleEvent
runtime-reset-request-count -> runtimeResetRequestCount



When the field mail port in model wasn't filled out information about unsuccesfull parsing of that value was logged.

When field is not filled out skipping attempt to parse that value as that would result in error.

9. Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues