You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


Use this mask type to apply special formatting to numbers or strings. The specified regular expression is used to select parts of the input and replace that with the string that you define in the replace parameter.



A pattern that selects parts of the input

The regular expressions used in several Blueriq Encore functions are common Java 1.4 expressions. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation.

replaceA string to replace the selected parts of the inputstringtrue
toupperA boolean value used to apply uppercase before regular expression is evaluatedbooleanfalse
tolowerA boolean value used to apply lowercase before regular expression is evaluatedbooleanfalse
prefixA string value that will be added before regular expression is evaluatedstringfalse
postfixA string value that will be added before regular expression is evaluatedstringfalse

Supported attribute types

  • integer

  • number

  • percentage

  • currency

  • string

While parsing a mask of this type the initial input string is transformed in the following order:

  1. changing the case of the string to upper or to lower case

  2. adding the prefix

  3. adding the postfix

  4. performing the regular expression search

  5. completing the transformation using the replace string


To displayasuse these parameters
1234567891234-56-789regexp-search: 0*([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{3})$  replace: $1-$2-$3  prefix: 00000000
1234aa1234 AAregexp-search: ([0-9]{4})\s*([A-Z]{2})$  replace: $1 $2  toupper: true
57151883357.15.18.833regexp-search: 0*([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{3})$  replace: $1.$2.$3.$4  prefix: 00000000

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