You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Mask type

Masks are used to format different value types in a specific manner. For instance when a “dd-month-yyyy” mask is applied to the date 31-03-2009 this date will be displayed as “31 March 2009”.

Each mask is of a specific mask type which defines its properties. You can specify parameters for your mask type, so that style managers can define various masks based on one mask type.

Some mask types will only be suitable for specific data types. You can specify which base types are valid for your mask type.

The description of the mask type is shown whenever a person wants to use your mask type.

The parameter fields are is used to help users of your mask type. A clear description of what is and isn’t a valid entry for this parameter field will help project modeler to use your mask type correctly.

Check the Mask types for help on the predefined Blueriq mask types.

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