You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
The spring cloud config server reads its values from file system (possibly on one central location). It is possible to stop using files on the filesystem, and read property files out of Git. This has advantages also the properties are version managed using a standard approach.
To be able to do this, these change have to be made:
- for using the file system
- for using Git - basic authentication<git_username><git_password>
Please note that when using Git, the development dashboard has limited functionality. As properties can only be read from Git and not written, the development tools plugin can only read values and not write them. Any changes made with the development dashboard may work during your session, but starting a new session or reloading the application will read the original values from Git again.
For shortcut properties, they will not even be updated in your current session.
This is only an issue for development or test environments, as the development tools plugin should not be enabled on production environments.