You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

To be able to do process mining on the Blueriq trace-event log there is a tool available that converts the Blueriq trace events to XES files. This XES file can then be imported by a process mining tool to analyze the data (tools like Disco or Rapidminer).

The tool to convert the Blueriq trace-events to XES format can be requested by mail through: .

Currently this tool is only usable for development/test environments because it reads directly from the trace database, you should not run this tool on a live production database because it affects the performance on the Blueriq Runtime that is connected to this database. The tool is meant to show the possibilities of process mining using the trace-events Blueriq produces.


This is what a possible result in Disco looks like, when you use the trace-events from a simple Blueriq DCM application based on the DCM foundation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- This file has been generated with Blueriq. -->
<!-- It conforms to the XML serialization of the XES standard for log storage and management.-->
<!-- XES standard version: 1.4 -->
<log xes.version="1.4" xes.features="nested-attributes" openxes.version="1.0RC7" xmlns="">
	<extension name="Concept" prefix="concept" uri=""/>
	<extension name="Time" prefix="time" uri=""/>
	<extension name="Organizational" prefix="org" uri=""/>
	<extension name="Identity" prefix="identity" uri=""/>
	<extension name="Lifecycle" prefix="lifecycle" uri=""/>
	<extension name="Semantic" prefix="semantic" uri=""/>
	<global scope="trace">
		<string key="concept:name" value="defaultname"/>
		<string key="identity:id" value="defaultid"/>
	<global scope="event">
		<date key="time:timestamp" value="2010-12-17T20:01:02.229+02:00"/>
		<string key="concept:name" value="defaultname"/>
		<string key="org:resource" value="defaultresource"/>
		<string key="lifecycle:transition" value="transition"/>
		<string key="semantic:modelReference" value="process"/>
	<string key="lifecycle:model" value="standard"/>
	<classifier name="Activity" keys="concept:name"/>
	<classifier name="Resource" keys="org:resource"/>
		<string key="identity:id" value="1"/>
		<string key="concept:name" value="InitieerNieuwProces 1"/>
			<string key="concept:name" value="IndienenAanvraag"/>
			<date key="time:timestamp" value="2019-04-16T14:54:12.287+00:00"/>
			<string key="org:resource" value="Aanvrager"/>
			<string key="lifecycle:transition" value="schedule"/>
			<string key="semantic:modelReference" value="task"/>
			<string key="concept:name" value="IndienenAanvraag"/>
			<date key="time:timestamp" value="2019-04-16T14:54:14.838+00:00"/>
			<string key="org:resource" value="Aanvrager"/>
			<string key="lifecycle:transition" value="start"/>
			<string key="semantic:modelReference" value="task"/>
			<string key="concept:name" value="IndienenAanvraag"/>
			<date key="time:timestamp" value="2019-04-16T14:54:19.884+00:00"/>
			<string key="org:resource" value="Aanvrager"/>
			<string key="lifecycle:transition" value="complete"/>
			<string key="semantic:modelReference" value="task"/>
			<string key="concept:name" value="BeoordelenAanvraag"/>
			<date key="time:timestamp" value="2019-04-16T14:54:20.079+00:00"/>
			<string key="org:resource" value="Aanvrager"/>
			<string key="lifecycle:transition" value="schedule"/>
			<string key="semantic:modelReference" value="task"/>
			<string key="concept:name" value="BeoordelenAanvraag"/>
			<date key="time:timestamp" value="2019-04-16T14:54:58.807+00:00"/>
			<string key="org:resource" value="Behandelaar"/>
			<string key="lifecycle:transition" value="start"/>
			<string key="semantic:modelReference" value="task"/>
			<string key="concept:name" value="BeoordelenAanvraag"/>
			<date key="time:timestamp" value="2019-04-16T14:55:08.018+00:00"/>
			<string key="org:resource" value="Behandelaar"/>
			<string key="lifecycle:transition" value="complete"/>
			<string key="semantic:modelReference" value="task"/>


Missing events in the trace log when mining? Please create a feature request so we can add it: Support Desk.

Future versions

Currently there is no release schedule for a production ready version of this tooling. Please contact if you are willing to contribute in creating a production ready version.

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