You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
Quartz is configured using a set of properties that are available for the Runtime. Quartz uses a job store in order to persist jobs details, triggers and other job related information.
All quartz related properties are stored in in spring.config.additional-location.
Read best practices to know every insight on how to use these properties.
For more information visit Quartz Scheduler Configuration.
- Add scheduler-quartz to the list of spring active profiles in the (this profile is active when using the installer). More information on how to configure the application using Spring Profiles can be found here: External application configuration with Spring Profiles.
- Add the file in the configuration location. This properties file is added in the when using the installer. Otherwise, please create this according to the documentation below.
- Run the provided scripts for creating the quartz tables in the database: msssql.sql or oracle.sql. The scripts are located in the release zip in \Runtime\Java\Webapp\DBScripts\blueriq-component-scheduler-quartz
- Define quartz database connection in the file.
Steps 3 and 4 are applicable only if a job store database connection is chosen instead of in memory job store.
Every Quartz configuration property has to be specified in for Runtime.
In order to tune resources for job execution we provided a few details about the Thread Pool.
Quartz is configured using a set of properties. Quartz uses a job store in order to persist jobs details, triggers and other job related information. We support two types of job stores:
Memory (default)
This is the default configuration for java environments.
For more details about in memory job store configuration please visit Config RAM Job Store.
By default memory mode is enabled which should not be used unless for demo's and standalone development. For recommended settings please check the database settings. For memory the following setting should appear in the
Scripts to create the required database content are provided for the following databases:
- SQL Server
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
There are two types of connection that are supported:
Generate the Quartz Database
Generate the quartz database with respect to the database used (either oracle, mssql or postgresql).
In the blueriq deliverable there is a scheduler-quartz-component that contains sql scripts. Use the favorite database viewer to run those scripts against the database server.
- Connect to the database server with the favorite viewer.
- Create a new database dedicated to quartz - pick a meaningful name for this, e.g. 'QuartzScheduler'.
- Depending on the database viewer used, one must make sure that the new database created is selected and set by default in the editor.
- Import the mssql.sql (for mssql server) or oracle.sql (for oracle server) and run it in the editor. If the run was successful new tables should be present under the newly created database.
JDBC Connection
To enable the JDBC Connection the externaldatasources profile must enabled and the following properties have to be used:
spring.quartz.job-store-type=jdbc # This example we use MSSQL, please check the online quartz documentation which driverDelegateClass to use blueriq.dataSource.scheduler-quartz.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<server_url>:<port>;databaseName=<database_name>;instance=<instance_name> blueriq.datasource.scheduler-quartz.username=<user> blueriq.datasource.scheduler-quartz.password=<password><server_url>:<port>;databaseName=<database_name>;instance=<instance_name><user><password>
blueriq.datasource.scheduler-quartz.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver blueriq.dataSource.scheduler-quartz.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server_url>:<port>:<SID> blueriq.datasource.scheduler-quartz.username=<user> blueriq.datasource.scheduler-quartz.password=<password><server_url>:<port>:<SID><user><password>
JobStoreTX allows Quartz managing quartz related transactions.
JDBCJobStore’s “table prefix” property is a string equal to the prefix given to Quartz’s tables that were created in your database. You can have multiple sets of Quartz’s tables within the same database if they use different table prefixes.
When changing the org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix, please change the create scripts accordingly.
For more information and properties related to the connection JobStoreTX please visit JDBC-JobStoreTX.
JNDI Connection
To enable JNDI Connection jndidatasources profile must be activated and the following properties have to be used:
spring.quartz.job-store-type=jdbc QRTZ_ # This example we use MSSQL, please check the online quartz documentation which driverDelegateClass to use # quartz needs a non JDNI datasource for some parts to function<server_url>:<port>;databaseName=<database_name>;instance=<instance_name><user><password>
The scheduler always uses the datasource with the name scheduler-quartz which we define inside
# Tomcat Example provided that the jndi name is set to jdbc/quartzdb blueriq.datasource.scheduler-quartz.jndiName=java:/comp/env/jdbc/quartzdb
# JBoss Example provided that the jndi name is set to java:jboss/jdbc/quartzdb blueriq.datasource.scheduler-quartz.jndiName=java:jboss/jdbc/quartzdb
JobStoreCMT relies upon transactions being managed by the application which is using Quartz.
For more information and properties related to the connection JobStoreCMT please visit JDBC-JobStoreCMT.
Thread Pool
If the Database configuration is chosen we recommend to also add the thread pool with the following default values:
Each DCM project gets it's own trigger. The process engine only allows one process engine (one project) to evaluate timers at a time. Setting the threadCount higher then 1 only will only create waiting threads, this means the best setting for threadCount is 1.
The quartz documentation suggests the following configuration: provided that the database allows X connections, then the threadCount should never be higher then X - 3.
Thread Pool properties are the following: = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool = 1
For more information and properties related to Quartz ThreadPool, please visit ThreadPool Configuration
Clustered environment can be configured only for JDBC JobStore (JobStoreTX and JobStoreCMT).
For more information about clustered setup read Configuring Clustered Environment.
In order to run the Quartz Scheduler on multiple Runtime instances in a cluster, every Runtime instance has to be identical and have the same projects installed.
Each instance in the cluster needs to have the same files. You may set different thread pool size on each node.
To read more about quartz clustered environment visit Quartz in Cluster.
To set up quartz in cluster create the following two files and place them in your spring config additional location:
- Create a file (check Quartz Properties Cluster for an example)
Make sure the following were added:- Set to true
- Set to AUTO, or a different id for each instance node.
- (optional) When instanceid is set to AUTO it generates a unique id after every restart, to have a stable id set to org.quartz.simpl.HostnameInstanceIdGenerator this
- (optional) When instanceid is set to AUTO it generates a unique id after every restart, to have a stable id set to org.quartz.simpl.HostnameInstanceIdGenerator this
- Create file
Do not enable this setting in clustered environment
When quartz is used in a clustered environment one must not set the blueriq.processengine.cancel-started-tasks=true. The property can be set in the file and the default value is false.
When a single server is restarted and the blueriq.processengine.cancel-started-tasks is set to true all opened task are reset so they can be opened again.
In a multi node environment the danger is when a single node is restarted and could result in having all tasks that are in progress being reset while they are still in progress on the other server.
Cluster properties example
Scheduler Maintenance Properties
These properties are needed to enable or personalize scheduler functionalities from blueriq runtime perspective.
Default configuration file:
blueriq.scheduler-quartz.enable-task-migration=false blueriq.scheduler-quartz.retryInterval=30
Retry Interval
If the case is locked when a timer job or expiring job is fired a new quartz job will be scheduled. The reschedule interval for this job can be configured in minutes, with a property in file. The default value is 30 minutes.
Setup Quartz
Various spring configurations
Using spring cloud config
Configure the runtime in cloud. For more details about how to do this visit The runtime in the cloud.
- Place your scheduler properties in (Check here for example) in the searchLocations you specified for spring cloud.
- Place or files in the searchLocations you specified for spring cloud.
Not using spring config additional location
Default quartz properties will be used because file is not present. The default setup is in-memory configuration.
Scheduler properties can be personalized via JVM arguments:
-Dblueriq.scheduler-quartz.enable-task-migration=false -Dblueriq.scheduler-quartz.retryInterval=30
If no property is defined, the default ones will be used.
Using spring config additional location
Configure a spring.config.additional-location for your application. For more details about how to do this visit Installing Runtime.
- In spring.config.additional-location folder place the (Check here for example) file.
- In spring.config.additional-location folder place the or files
Using existing scheduled tasks
In order for the already scheduled tasks to be executed in time, you need to do a migration to the scheduler.
Before running the migration you need to create the following files and place them in your spring.config.additional-location folder:
- Create a file with one of the following configurations: Direct Connection(MsSql, Oracle), JNDI Connection.
We advise you not to use an In-Memory Configuration or leave the default one for this purpose. - In the file, set blueriq.scheduler-quartz.enable-task-scheduler and blueriq.scheduler-quartz.enable-task-migration to true (Check here for example).
Setup quartz in cluster
Basic Scheduler
The quartz evaluation of time dependent tasks (timer nodes, tasks with priority algorithms, expiration tasks, automatic recovery tasks) is done per Process Engine per Project installed on the Runtime. A quartz job is created for every single project which uses a process engine in the cluster. The number of jobs in Quartz equals with the number of initialized projects from the cluster which are using a process engine. The number of jobs in quartz does not depend on the number of runtime instances available in the cluster.
An interval is defined in the file which marks the triggering and execution of the job. If the interval is MINUTE, the quartz job will be triggered and executed every minute. The execution consists in finding and evaluating all the timer tasks, expiration tasks, tasks with priority which should fire in that period.
The Runtime instances are selected for execution almost randomly, more busy servers have a lower chance to be selected for the execution.The main advantage for this is that: As multiple runtime instances are available in cluster, the execution of the jobs might be done in parallel.
The quartz job is created in the cluster when the project which uses a process engine is initialized. This means whenever a project is published and the process engine is initialized in a Runtime, that Runtime will try to start the job for the project if the job is not already created.
The execution of quartz jobs is being done on any Runtime in the cluster as soon as the Runtime is started. This might happen even though in that Runtime no projects are published yet.
For more information on quartz configurations, please visit:
Atomikos transaction log
If you want to run multiple runtimes on one machine, Atomikos tends to fail to access it's transaction log. This will result in a runtime that doesn't start.
To fix this problem, add a VM argument to one of your runtimes to set the folder of the Atomikos transaction log files to something other than the default (which is '${user.home}
For more information please refer to the Atomikos documentation