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Rounds a number value to a specified number of decimal places.


 ROUND number [UP | DOWN] TO POSITION position


  • number - Number or attribute of some type of number to be rounded.

  • UP or DOWN - The direction of rounding. The direction DOWN points to zero for both positive and negative values, UP points away from zero. If no direction is specified, rounding will be done to the nearest integer (half-way values will be rounded up).

  • position - The rounding position as integer. A positive integer represents the place value of the digit after the decimal point. Zero and negative integers represent the place value of the digit before the decimal point. Place values: [-n]..[-3][-2][-1][0].[1][2][3]..[n]

Return types

  • number

  • integer

  • currency

  • percentage

If you prefer a functional syntax, then you can use the ROUNDDOWN or ROUNDUP function. Its syntax is ROUNDDOWN/ROUNDUP ( number , digits ). Example: ROUNDDOWN( 1.23456 , 2 ) = 1.23


ExpressionAlternative syntaxResultType
ROUND 12345.23 TO POSITION -2ROUNDSIG( 12345.23, 100 )12300.0000Number
ROUND 12345.23 TO POSITION 1 ROUNDSIG( 12345.23 , 0.1 )12345.2000Number
ROUND 12345.23 UP TO POSITION -2ROUNDUP( 12345.23 , -2 )12400Integer
ROUND 12345.23 UP TO POSITION 1ROUNDUP( 12345.23 , 1 )12345.3000Number
ROUND 12345.23 DOWN TO POSITION -2ROUNDDOWN( 12345.23 , -2 )12300.0000Number
ROUND 12345.23 DOWN TO POSITION 1ROUNDDOWN( 12345.23 , 1 )12345.2000Number
ROUND 12345.23 UP TO POSITION -5ROUNDUP( 12345.23 , -5 )100000.0000Number