You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Image provider

It was already possible to create a custom image provider that implements IDocumentImageProvider. For multi-tenancy a default image provider is added to the runtime, which handles images specified per tenant. Warning: there can only be one IDocumentImageProvider configured at a time. If a custom image provider is implemented, the multi-tenant image provider will be disabled automatically.


To use the multi-tenant image provider the property blueriq.document.renderer-client.file-system-name is required. This property indicates which filesystem connection is used to determine the location of the images in the file system. The other properties defined below can be used to define a path for each stored image relative to the filesystem connection path. These paths can be specified for each tenant.


Document Renderer Client


This is the name of the filesystem connection which contains the base path of the stored images. See How to setup a connection for more information on filesystem connections.


blueriq.document.renderer-client.tenants.<tenant name>.images.<image name>

This property can be used to set the path of images that should be overwritten by specific images per tenant. 



blueriq.document.renderer-client.images.<image name>

This property can be used to set a custom fallback image if no tenant specific image is defined.
