You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

When you want to build a simple Blueriq model for your first call to a SOAP web service (i.e. be the service requestor) you can use the example project WebCalculator (that comes with a standard Blueriq installation) to act as the service provider: create a new project based on this example project WebCalculator, save it and go to your runtime dashboard to expose it (if you don’t see the widget, press the button Widgets and check ‘Expose as a webservice’ and save it). When you do that, a button ‘View WSDL’ appears, that enables you to see and save the WSDL. This WSDL contains the communication contract between the service requestor and the service provider.

Now when you create a new project to model the service requestor, you can have a quick start by using the WSDL import wizard. That can generate for you the service model (i.e. the domain model from the service provider), the Schema set and SOAP service. Now all that is left for you to do, is to make an exposed Flow that contains a page for the user input and the result, and a Service call type: AQ_SoapServiceClient.

You can also check the visual SOAP call with data mapping for a more elaborate model.

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