You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
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The DCM Dashboard component enables functionality for session and task services in a DCM Dashboard Application. When this component is not enabled, you will notice unexpected behavior when trying to start or complete tasks using the DCM dashboard.
The DCM Dashboard component requires the Case Engine Client Component to be active and configured.
In order to use this component, the dcm-dashboard profile must be active. More information on how to configure the application using Spring Profiles can be found here: Application configuration with Spring Profiles.
Additional configuration is required for the components making up the DCM Dashboard, information can be found in this chapter and its subpages.
Shortcuts needed for the DCM Dashboard application to use on a specific Runtime can be defined in the
that originate from the fact that the Runtime is configured in this manner.
Add the artifact with groupId com.blueriq
and artifactId blueriq-component-dcm-dashboard
as a dependency to your Blueriq runtime POM file if you want to depend on it.
In a DCM case modelling solution scope.
Warnings are displayed in the Runtime logs when the dcm-dashboard profile is active
This will occur when both the dcm-dashboard and dashboard profiles are active. Dashboard which are modelled using the Dashboard Container types do not work in a DCM Dashboard Application setup, therefore either the one of the profiles should be enabled.