You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
The quick test is available in the bottom drawer of the following elements:
The quick test exists of 3 parts: Profile, Expression evaluator, and Source attribute.
Both evaluation of an expression and sourcing an attribute are based on a profile. This profile can be edited in the profile section by adding/deleting instances and editing values of attributes, and relations.
To make a quick test real quick, you can also paste a profile from your clipboard into the quick test. You may have created such a profile manually, or copied it from a unist test, data mapping, webservice debug log, or profile from the development toolbar.
Expression evaluator
Expressions can be tested using the expression evaluator. You can either do this in the development toolbar in the Runtime or in the quick test in Encore. It may save time to evaluate an expression in Encore. Morover, Blueriq Encore offers expression editor features such as highlighting of the expression, autosuggest, and real time validations. An advantage of using the expression evaluator in the Runtime instead of Encore is the availability of extensive and often realistic profiles at a specific point in a flow. In both the runtime and Blueriq Encore, an expression can be evaluated globally or from a selected instance in the profile.
Source attribute
Sourcing an attribute provides insight into how the Blueriq rule engine derives a value based on a profile and the modeled logic. After composing a profile, setting the target attribute, and clicking the source button, the result will be displayed in a tree of which the starting point is the target attribute. From there, using the backward chaining mechanism, relevant values are derived. You're able to change values in the profile from the source tree, after which the attribute will be sourced again. This may change the structure of the tree.