You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

One of the functionalities of Blueriq is the possibility of uploading generated and/or storing generated files in a file store. If the persistence type is set to be temporary the files should be deleted when the user no longer uses the application. A list of elements that have the option for saving temporary files can be found here.

Single runtime

When running a single runtime in a non cluster environment we rely on having the http session timeout, on which the file is deleted. The application server we are running in terminates the session. When the session expires we delete the file(s) in the file store that where related to that session. Describing the behavior in a sequence diagram looks like this:


When running multiple nodes there is no http session timeout on which we can delete files. Therefor the scheduler is used to schedule the deletion after the http session is gone. Describing the behavior in a sequence diagram looks like this:

More information can be found on the page dedicated to temporary files in the runtime cluster section.

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