You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
With a mask it is possible to give a value a formatting. Every mask results in a specific format and is implemented using a mask type.
The listed masks can only be used in documents, e.g. PDF documents.
Category | Name | Description | Example |
String | Acronym | Adds a dot (.) behind every character and makes it uppercase | V.A.R.A. |
AllLowercase | All small caps | a value | |
AllUppercase | Capitalize all | A VALUE | |
FirstUppercase | Capitalize first word in sentence, rest in small caps. | A value | |
Boolean | Bool_InWords | Boolean in words | yes |
Bool_InWordsAbbr | Boolean in words abbreviated | y | |
Currency | Curr_Dollar_ValueInWords | Dollar value in words | Fivehundred dollar and twelve cents |
Curr_Dollar_ValueInWords_ZeroCents | Dollar value in words, zero cents | Fivehundred dollar and zero cents | |
Curr_Euro_2Digits_1000Sep | Euro value, two digits with thousand separator | € 500.000,00 | |
Curr_Euro_2DigitsNoZeros | Euro value, two non zero digits | € 500000,- | |
Curr_Euro_2DigitsNoZeros_1000Sep | Euro value, two non zero digits with thousand separator | € 500.000,- | |
Curr_Euro_3DigitsNoZeros | Euro value, three non zero digits | € 500000,- | |
Curr_Euro_3DigitsNoZeros_1000Sep | Euro value, three non zero digits with thousand separator | € 500.000,- | |
Curr_Euro_NoDigits | Euro value, no digits | € 500000 | |
Curr_Euro_NoDigits_1000Sep | Euro value, no digits with thousand separator | € 500.000 | |
Curr_Euro_ValueInWords | Euro value in words | Fivehundred euros and twelve cents | |
Curr_Euro_ValueInWords_ZeroCents | Euro value in words, zero cents | Fivehundred euros and zero cents | |
Curr_Pound_ValueInWords | Pound value in words | Fivehundred pound and twelve pence | |
Curr_Pound_ValueInWords_Zeropennies | Pound value in words, zero pence | Fivehundred pound and twelve pence | |
Date | Date_day | Day from date in words | negentien |
Date_dayofweek | Week day | donderdag | |
Date_dayofweekddmonthyyyy_SpaceSep | weekday day month in words year, in numbers with zeros | donderdag 19 maart 2009 | |
Date_dd | Day from date in numbers | 19 | |
Date_ddMM_MinSep | Day-month in numbers with zeros | 19-03 | |
Date_ddMM_SlashSep | Day/month in numbers with zeros | 19/03 | |
Date_ddMM_SpaceSep | Day month in numbers with zeros | 19 03 | |
Date_ddMMyy_MinSep | day-month-year short, in numbers with zeros | 19-03-09 | |
Date_ddMMyy_SlashSep | day/month/year short, in numbers with zeros | 19/03/09 | |
Date_ddMMyy_SpaceSep | day month year short, in numbers with zeros | 19 03 09 | |
Date_ddMMyyyy_MinSep | day-month-year, in numbers with zeros | 19-03-2009 | |
Date_ddMMyyyy_NoSep | daymonthyear, in numbers with zeros | 19032009 | |
Date_ddMMyyyy_SlashSep | day/month/year, in numbers with zeros | 19/03/2009 | |
Date_ddMMyyyy_SpaceSep | day month year, in numbers with zeros | 19 03 2009 | |
Date_ddmonthyyyy_MinSep | day-month in words-year, in numbers with zeros | 19-maart-2009 | |
Date_ddmonthyyyy_SlashSep | day/month in words/year, in numbers with zeros | 19/maart/2009 | |
Date_ddmonthyyyy_SpaceSep | day month in words year, in numbers with zeros | 19 maart 2009 | |
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_MinSep | day-month short-year, in numbers with zeros | 19-mrt-2009 | |
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_SlashSep | day/month short/year, in numbers with zeros | 19/mrt/2009 | |
Date_ddshortmonthyyyy_SpaceSep | day month short year, in numbers with zeros | 19 mrt 2009 | |
Date_dmonthyyyy_SpaceSep | short day month in words year, in numbers with zeros | 1 maart 2009 | |
Date_MM | Month from date in numbers | 03 | |
Date_month | Month from date in words | maart | |
Date_RelativeToToday_InWords | Date relative to today in words | 1 year, 2 months and 26 days ago | |
Date_shortmonth | Abreviated month from date | mrt | |
Date_Year | Year from date in words | tweeduizend negen | |
Date_yyyy | Year from date in numbers | 2009 | |
Date_yyyyMMdd_MinSep | year-month-day, in numbers with zeros | 2009-03-19 | |
Date_yyyyMMdd_SpaceSep | year month in words day, in numbers with zeros | 2009 03 19 | |
Date_yyyymonthdd_MinSep | month day year, in numbers with zeros, month in words | 2009-maart-19 | |
Date_yyyymonthdd_SpaceSep | year month day, in numbers with zeros | 2009 maart 19 | |
Date_yyyyshortmonthdd_MinSep | year-month short-day, in numbers with zeros | 2009-mrt-19 | |
Date_yyyyshortmonthdd_SlashSep | year/month short/day, in numbers with zeros | 2009/mrt/19 | |
Date_yyyyshortmonthdd_SpaceSep | year month short day, in numbers with zeros | 2009 mrt 19 | |
DayOfWeek | Day of the week, starts on Sunday | Wednesday | |
DayOfWorkWeek | Day of the workweek, starts on Monday | Thursday | |
Date & time | Date_ddMMyy_hhmm_12hours | Day-month-year(short) hours:minutes, 12-hour clock | 03-12-09 02:32 PM |
Date_ddMMyy_hhmmss_12hours | Day-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock | 03-12-09 02:32:55 PM | |
Date_ddMMyy_HHmmss_24hours | Day-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock | 03-12-09 14:32:55 | |
Date_ddMMyyyy_hhmm_12hours | Day-month-year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock | 03-12-2009 02:32 PM | |
Date_ddMMyyyy_hhmmss_12hours | Day-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock | 03-12-2009 02:32:55 PM | |
Date_ddMMyyyy_HHmmss_24hours | Day-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock | 03-12-2009 14:32:55 | |
Date_dMMyy_HHmmss_24hours | Day-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock | 3-12-09 14:32:55 | |
Date_dMMyy_hmm_12hours | Day-month-year(short) hours:minutes, 12-hour clock | 3-12-09 2:32 PM | |
Date_dMMyy_hmmss_12hours | Day-month-year(short) hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock | 3-12-09 2:32:55 PM | |
Date_dMMyyyy_HHmmss_24hours | Day-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock | 3-12-2009 14:32:55 | |
Date_dMMyyyy_hmm_12hours | Day-month-year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock | 3-12-2009 2:32 PM | |
Date_dMMyyyy_hmmss_12hours | Day-month-year hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock | 3-12-2009 2:32:55 PM | |
Date_dmonthyyyy_HHmmss_24hours | Day month(long) year hours:minutes, 24-hour clock | 3 december 2009 14:32 PM | |
Date_dmonthyyyy_hmm_12hours | Day month(long) year hours:minutes, 12-hour clock | 3 december 2009 2:32 PM | |
Time | Time_hhmm_12hours | Hours:minutes, 12-hour clock AM/PM, with zero`s | 02:32 PM |
Time_HHmm_24hours | Hours:minutes, 24-hour clock | 14:32 | |
Time_hhmmss_12hours | Hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock AM/PM, with zero`s | 02:32:55 PM | |
Time_HHmmss_24hours | Hours:minutes:seconds, 24-hour clock | 14:32:55 | |
Time_hmm_12hours | Hours:minutes, 12-hour clock AM/PM, hours without zero | 2:35 PM | |
Time_hmmss_12hours | Hours:minutes:seconds, 12-hour clock AM/PM, hours without zero | 2:32:55 PM | |
Integer | Int_InWords | Integer in words | five hundred and twelve |
Int_MonthInWords | Month in words | January | |
RomanNumeralsLow | Write integer in lowercase roman numerals | xxvii | |
RomanNumeralsUp | Write integer in uppercase roman numerals | XXVII | |
Number | Num_1Digit | One digit | 1,2 |
Num_2Digits | Two digits | 1,23 | |
Num_2Digits_1000Sep | Two digits with thousand separator | 500.000,00 | |
Num_2Digits_InWords | Two digit number in words | veertien elfhonderdste | |
Num_2DigitsNoZeros | Two non zero digits | 500000,- | |
Num_2DigitsNoZeros_1000Sep | Two non zero digits with thousand separator | 500.000,- | |
Num_3Digits | Three digits | 1,234 | |
Num_3DigitsNoZeros | Three non zero digits | 500000,- | |
Num_3DigitsNoZeros_1000Sep | Three non zero digits with thousand separator | 500.000,- | |
Num_4Digits | Four digits | 1,2346 | |
Num_5Digits | Five digits | 1,23457 | |
Num_6Digits | Six digits | 1,234568 | |
Num_Absolute | The absolute value of a number | 10 | |
Num_NoDigits | No digits | 500000 | |
Num_NoDigits_1000Sep | No digits with thousand separator | 500.000 | |
Num_Ordinal_InWords | Ordinal number in words (Dutch and English supported). | third | |
Percentage | Perc_1Digit_1000Sep | One digit percentage with thousand separator | 1.000,2 % |
Perc_2Digit_1000Sep | Two digit percentage with thousand separator | 1.000,23 % | |
Perc_3Digit_1000Sep | Three digit percentage with thousand separator | 1.000,235 % | |
Perc_1000Sep | Percentage with thousand separator | 1.000,1 % 1.000,23457 % | |
Other | BankAccountNr_NL | Dutch bank account number | |
BankAccountNr_NL | Dutch bank account number | | |
SocialSecurityNumber_Dutch | Dutch social security number | 1234-56-789 | |
String_ZipCode_NL | Dutch zip code | 1234 AA |
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