You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 18. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

What is it for?

Data rules are used to model decisions based on data from a CSV file.

For the design guide on how to model logic see Decision Management guide.

What is it?

A data rule is an inference rule that uses a data source (CSV resource) to derive one or more attribute values.

What does it do?

A data rule derives the value of one or more attributes of one and the same entity based on a data set and some given criteria. The data source can be external, i.e. placed on the server, or it can be stored directly in your Blueriq Encore model.

ResourceThe object that holds either a reference to an external CSV file or the data of an imported CSV file itself.
Target entityAll collected data must be stored in attributes of the same target entity.
Justification assetThe Justification asset contains an explanation behind the logic that is used in the data rule.
CritereaCriterea are used for selection of records. A criterion consists of a comparator and an expression (compared value). It’s possible to specify more than one criterion per column.
GoalThe goals are the goal entity’s attributes that will be mapped from the column’s values.
Only records that match all criteria will be selected in the data rule.

See also

How to use a data rule to derive attribute values

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