You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
The purpose of this package is to provide a quick way to start a Case-Modelling stack, for development purposes.
The Case Modelling architecture requires quite some components to setup and run before you can get started. To ease this for development purposes, the Blueriq DCM development installation package contains a ready-made stack to run Case Modelling. It contains everything as outlined in the Blueriq DCM architecture overview, plus the extra components to make them work. Case Modelling works with the new Blueriq DCM Dashboard service, but there is still a stack available to run without it. Note that to fully use all the features of Case Modelling, the dashboard stack is required.
The following components are part of the package:
- Audit consumer
- Case engine
- Customerdata service
- DCM Dashboard service
- DCM Lists service
- Document renderer
- Gateway service
- Keycloak
- Maintenance App
- Mongo
- Nginx
- PostgreSQL
- Qpid
- Runtime
Deploy the DCM stack
The Blueriq-DCM-Development-Installation is a zip file containing all necessary software to run your own DCM Development environment. The zip file can be found at the Customers page, for the versions you have support for (don't forget to login).
Extract the ZIP file mentioned above to a location on your hard disk. The path where the ZIP file is extracted should not contain any whitespace.
The only thing you need to do before running is placing a license file in the the conf\runtime-dashboards
folder and conf\case-engine
folders. When you want to use the old setup without dashboarding, place a license file in the conf\runtime
folder as well.
The license requires the 'case engine' and 'external flow' features enabled. Please contact support when licenses are needed.
Start the DCM stack
A bat file starts all different components in the Case-Modelling setup. Each component is started in a CMD window which is minimized.
For the Case-Modelling setup, use the start-DCM-dashboards-stack.bat
file. When using the old stack, use the start-DCM-stack.bat
After every component is started, the landing page is launched in your browser. Please allow some time for all components to have properly started before accessing them.
Accessing the DCM stack
For the dashboarding setup, start the Dashboarding from the landing page. Or you can visit the default preconfigured dashboard on http://localhost:30000/dashboard/export-Foundation/V7_3_2/MainDashboard.
For the old stack start the Runtime directly from the landing page. Or you can visit it on http://localhost:30008/runtime.
Stop the DCM stack
A file stops all running components.
For the Case-Modelling setup, use the stop-DCM-dashboards-stack.bat
file. For the old stack, use the stop-DCM-stack.bat
Note that the CMD windows are not closed when it is done. You should do this yourself.
Studio connection
The DCM stack contains a Studio connection based on the assumption that Studio is installed with the default port. The Studio connection is configured in the following properties files, for their respective components:
Since 17.11, the Studio connection is authenticated using OIDC. This requires a client secret to be configured before the connection can be used.
This can be achieved by running the \configure-runtime-client-secret.ps1
script, which requires the Keycloak admin credentials for the local Studio installation. The script will prompt for the required parameters.
You can also do this manually (for example if the Studio is not installed locally) using the following steps:
- Sign in to Keycloak with the Keycloak admin credentials
- Make sure the BlueriqStudio17 realm is selected
- In the 'Clients' section, select the 'runtime' client
- if this client does not exist yet, see here for instructions on how to add a client
- when creating a new client, make sure to update the clientId in the properties files
- Select the 'Credentials' tab, and copy the secret
- Add the secret to the properties files
The stack is set up to work with the DCM Foundation models. Either using the model exports in the DCM Development installation, or using the Studio environment. The latest foundation models can be found at DCM Foundation - Case-Modelling (v4). When the project is imported, the shortcuts might have to be updated at the runtime.
System requirements
The DCM stack will only run on the Windows operation system.
The DCM stack consists of 6 Tomcat instances, Nginx, Keycloak and a gateway service that runs as a standalone jar, plus instances for MongoDB (document database), Qpid (queue) and the document renderer. Components that need relational storage (SQL) use a PostgreSQL database.
The stack requires at least 3 GB of free disk space and 6GB of (free) memory. Also, all the components start at once, so starting puts a heavy load on the processor. Other than that, any modern computer running Windows 10 or later should be able to run this.
Note that QPid is provided as a lightweight replacements for RabbitMQ. This is suitable for demo/development scenarios only.
In production scenarios, we expect RabbitMQ to be used.
Users and passwords
- DCM Foundation: Aanvrager/Aanvrager, Behandelaar/Behandelaar and Beheerder/Beheerder
- PostgreSQL database: postgres/password!123
- Qpid management, Customerdata and DCM lists: blueriq/welcome
- DCM Maintenance App: audit/a, guest/g, maintainer/m or owner/o
- MongoDB: no authentication set up by default
- You can use any MongoDB client to connect to inspect MongoDB content. MongoDB itself offers Compass as a visual client.
- Connection String:
- Keycloak (when using the new Blueriq DCM Dashboard service): admin/admin