You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.
Mask types overview
The following mask types are available in the Blueriq library:
Mask type | Base type | Description |
AQ_DatePattern | date, dateTime | Applies a date(-time) format with a specific pattern to a date(-time) value. |
AQ_FirstToUpperCase | string | Converts the first character of a string to upper case and the rest of the string to lowercase. |
AQ_NumberPattern | integer, number, currency, percentage | Applies a number format with a specific pattern to an numerical value. |
AQ_OrdinalNumber | integer | Displays an ordinal number for an integer value. |
AQ_RegularExpression | string, number, integer, currency, percentage | Replaces each substring of a string value that matches a given regular expression with the given replacement. |
AQ_RomanInteger | integer | Displays an integer value in roman numerals. |
AQ_SetCase | string | Displays a string value in upper or lower |
AQ_SpelledBoolean | boolean | Displays a boolean value in words. |
AQ_SpelledCurrency | currency | Displays a currency value in words. |
AQ_SpelledDayOfWeek | integer | Displays a weekday in words. |
AQ_SpelledDeltaDate | date, dateTime | Displays the difference between a date and today in words and integers. |
AQ_SpelledInteger | integer | Displays an integer value in words. |
AQ_SpelledMonth | integer | Displays a month in words. |
AQ_SpelledNumber | number | Displays a number value in words. |
Use this mask type to change the way a date or dateTime value is displayed in Blueriq Studio documents.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
date pattern | a pattern composed of date pattern options and separators | string | true |
To define your own date mask you must compose a date pattern using the following options:
Date pattern | Description |
d | Displays the day as a number without a leading zero. |
dd | Displays the day as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. |
day | Displays the day as a number written in words (“one” to “thirty one”). |
dayofweek | Displays the day as a full name (“Sunday” to “Saturday”). |
M | Displays the month as a number without a leading zero. |
MM | Displays the month as a number with a leading zero when appropriate. |
month | Displays the month as a full name (“January” to “December”). |
shortmonth | Displays the month as an abbreviation (“Jan to Dec”). |
yy | Displays the year as a two-digit number. |
yyyy | Displays the year as a four-digit number. |
year | Displays the year as a number written in words (e.g. “two thousand and nine”) |
h | Displays the hour as a number without a leading zero, based on the 12-hour clock. |
HH | Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero, based on the 24-hour clock. |
hh | Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero, based on the 12-hour clock. |
mm | Displays the minute as a number with a leading zero. |
ss | Displays the second as a number with a leading zero. |
a | Displays AM for times from midnight until noon and PM for times from noon until midnight. |
The following characters are allowed to be used as separators in a date pattern:
Character | Description |
- | Hyphen |
, | Comma |
. | Period |
; | Semicolon |
: | Colon |
Space |
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
To display | as | use this pattern |
12-02-2009 | Thursday 12 Feb. 09 | dayofweek dd shortmonth yy |
12-02-2009 13:12 | Thursday 1:12 AM | dayofweek h:mm a |
12-02-2009 | 2009 | yyyy |
12-02-2009 | February 12 two thousand and nine | month dd year |
12-02-2009 | 12/02/2009 | dd/MM/yyyy |
Use this mask type to capitalize the first letter of (part of) a string and make the remaining characters lowercase.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
start-index | the position of the character you want to make uppercase | string | false |
start-index | the position of the last character to make lowercase | string | false |
Supported attribute types
To display | as | use this pattern |
a sTrinG ValUE | A string value | start-index: end-index: |
a sTrinG ValUE | a String value | start-index: 2 end-index: |
a sTrinG ValUE | a String ValUE | start-index: 2 end-index: 7 |
a sTrinG ValUE | A string valuE | start-index: end-index: 12 |
Use this mask type to change the way a number value is displayed in Blueriq Studio documents.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
pattern | a number format pattern at least one zero at the end of the decimal syntax is required. | string | true |
prefix | text string that will be displayed in front of the formatted number value | string | false |
postfix | text string that will be displayed behind of the formatted number value | string | false |
zero-fraction | string value that substitutes the fraction part when the fraction is zero | string | false |
The pattern syntax: {options}format;negative-spec;positive-spec
- options
The option set is optional and must be surrounded with {} when used. It represents a key value mechanism separated by ',' signs.
Examples include: a=b,q=e meaning a is set to b and q is set to e.
Valid options are:- locale=nl-NL: This specifies a locale in the option set overriding the one of the NumberFormats' class.
- format
The format pattern which actually specified how the number should look like consists of a decimal part and an fractional part divided by a '.' when a fractional part is required.- decimal
Decimal part specifies how grouping, minimum decimal and maximum decimal digits. For example a pattern: #,##0 specifies at least 1 decimal digit ( which is always the case ) and grouping every 3 decimal digits. With a maximum of 4 decimal digits. At least 1 zero at the end of the decimal syntax is required for the pattern to parse. - fractional
The fractional part begins if there is a decimal separator '.'. If there is no decimal separator there is no fractional part. The fractional part specifies how many minimum fraction digits there are required and how many fraction digits at max are allowed. For example a syntax 0.00## will specify that at least two fractional should be displayed and at most four.
- decimal
- negative-spec
Negative pattern has only 2 special characters: '#' and ';'. The '#' will dictate the actual number pattern specified earlier. For example: 0.0;(#) will specify that a negative number is prefixed with '(' and postfixed with ')' While ';' will end the pattern part and proceed to the positive specification - positive-spec
The positive pattern has only 1 special character: '#'. The '#' will dictate the actual number pattern specified earlier. For example: 0.0;(#) will specify that a negative number is prefixed with '(' and postfixed with ')'
Supported attribute types
To display | as | use this pattern |
500000,00 | 500.000,- | pattern: #,##0.00 zero-fraction: - |
500000,00 | € 500.000,00 | pattern: #,##0.00 prefix: € |
12 | 12,000 % | pattern: #,##0.000 postfix: % |
-180,12 | 180 | pattern: #0;# |
23 | +023,00 | pattern: {locale=NL-nl}000.00;-#;+# |
Note that the comma and dot in the pattern are not taken literally; they are just stand-in symbols for the decimal separator and the grouping separator. The actual symbols used depend on the language (locale). For example, the number 1234567.89 with pattern #,##0.00 results in the following numbers, depending on the language used:
- en-GB (English - United Kingdom): 1,234,567.89 (comma as grouping separator, dot as decimal separator)
- nl-NL (Dutch): 1.234.567,89 (dot as grouping separator comma as decimal separator)
- fr-FR (French): 1 234 567,89 (space as grouping separator, comma as decimal separator)
The locale can also be fixed in the pattern, so that the pattern is no longer locale-sensitive. In case you want to have a space as the grouping separator for the number 1234567.89 you should use the {locale=fr-FR}#,##0.00 as pattern, which will result in 1 234 567,89 no matter what language is used for the rest of the project.
when you place a currency sign in front of a number, don’t forget to add a space behind the currency sign. So, write '€ ' instead of '€' in the prefix.
Use this mask type to display integers in words as ordinal numbers, e.g. “1” will be displayed as “first”.
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
Displays | as |
1 | first |
35 | thirty-fifth |
Use this mask type to apply special formatting to numbers or strings. The specified regular expression is used to select parts of the input and replace that with the string that you define in the replace parameter.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
regexp-search | a pattern that selects parts of the input | string | true |
replace | a string to replace the selected parts of the input | string | true |
toupper | a boolean value used to apply uppercase before regular expression is evaluated | boolean | false |
tolower | a boolean value used to apply lowercase before regular expression is evaluated | boolean | false |
prefix | a string value that will be added before regular expression is evaluated | string | false |
postfix | a string value that will be added before regular expression is evaluated | string | false |
Supported attribute types
While parsing a mask of this type the initial input string is transformed in the following order:
changing the case of the string to upper or to lower case
adding the prefix
adding the postfix
performing the regular expression search
completing the transformation using the replace string
To display | as | use these parameters |
123456789 | 1234-56-789 | regexp-search: 0*([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{3})$ replace: $1-$2-$3 prefix: 00000000 |
1234aa | 1234 AA | regexp-search: ([0-9]{4})\s*([A-Z]{2})$ replace: $1 $2 toupper: true |
571518833 | | regexp-search: 0*([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{3})$ replace: $1.$2.$3.$4 prefix: 00000000 |
Use this mask type to display positive integer values as roman numerals.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
case | “upper” for uppercase roman numerals “lower” (default) for lowercase numerals | string | false |
Supported attribute types
positive integer (0 < integer < 1.000.000)
To display | as | use this parameter |
3 | iii | case: lower |
3 | III | case: upper |
Us this mask type to make the characters of the selected part of the string uppercase or lowercase.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
case | “upper” to convert the selection to uppercase “lower” (default) to convert the selection to lowercase | string | false |
start-index | the position of the first character you want to select | string | false |
end-index | the position of the last character you want to select | string | false |
Supported attribute types
To display | as | use these parameters |
a sTrinG ValUE | a string ValUE | case: lower end-index: 8 |
a sTrinG ValUE | a STRING ValUE | case: upper start-index: 3 end-index: 8 |
Use this mask type to display a boolean value in words.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
short | TRUE for an abbreviated notation FALSE (default) for whole words | boolean | false |
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
To display | as | use these parameters |
TRUE | Yes | short: FALSE |
TRUE | Y | short: TRUE |
Use this mask type to display a currency value in words.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
spellzerocents | FALSE (default) to omit converting zero decimal values to words TRUE to convert zero decimal values to words | boolean | false |
currency | the type of currency e.g. euro, dollar, pound | string | false |
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
To display | as | use this parameters |
€ 20,- | Twenty euros | currency: euro |
€ 20,- | Twenty euros and zero cents | spellzerocents: true currency: euro |
$ 20,12 | Twenty dollars and twelve cents | currency: dollar |
Use this mask type to display an integer value that represents a weekday in words.
Name | Description | Type | Required |
first-day-of-week | the name of the day that you would want to correspond with 1 options: sunday (=default), monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday or saturday | string | false |
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
To display | as | use this parameter |
1 | Sunday | first-day-of-week: sunday |
1 | Monday | first-day-of-week: monday |
Use this mask type to display the difference between a date and today in words and integers.
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
Let's go back to 2010-03-26.
Displays | as |
2010-03-26 | today |
2010-03-25 | 1 day ago |
2010-02-26 | 1 month ago |
2010-04-26 | in 1 month |
2009-03-26 | 1 year ago |
2010-05-10 | in 1 month and 15 days |
2011-06-19 | in 1 year, 2 months and 24 days |
2012-12-20 | in 2 years, 8 months and 25 days |
Use this mask type to display an integer value in words.
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
af, ba, bg, ca, cpe, cs, cy, da, de, el, eo, es, et, fa, fi, fr, fy, ga, gd, haw, hi, hu, id, is, it, ja, kl, kn, lisu, lt, ml, ms, ne, pap, pl, pt, qu, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sm, sq, sr, sus, sv, sw, th, tl, tr, vi, yi, yo, zh (see a list of language names)
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
Displays | as |
12 | twelve |
25 | twenty five |
Use this mask type to display an integer value representing a month, in words.
Supported attribute types
integer (1..12)
Supported languages
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
Displays | as |
12 | December |
1 | January |
Use this mask type to display a number value in words.
Supported attribute types
Supported languages
af, ba, bg, ca, cpe, cs, cy, da, de, el, eo, es, et, fa, fi, fr, fy, ga, gd, haw, hi, hu, id, is, it, ja, kl, kn, lisu, lt, ml, ms, ne, pap, pl, pt, qu, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sm, sq, sr, sus, sv, sw, th, tl, tr, vi, yi, yo, zh (see a list of language names)
Which language will be used to display weekdays, days, months or years in words is determined by the language in which you specified your document.
Displays | as |
12,5 | Twelve five tenth |
25,1 | Twenty five one tenth |
Ciarán Lier
Feb 03, 2017The table at AQ_DatePattern is what I was looking for in the page of conversion functions. Maybe it's a good idea to split this onto a seperate page or image and reuse it on the conversion functions page.
Unknown User (m.schadd)
Feb 06, 2017Done.