You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

The template DCM Foundation is intended to be a quick start for a Dynamic Case Management (DCM) project.

It implements a case, process and dashboard out of the box, which can be used instantly. The case is generic but it can be used directly. The dashboard contains a variety of ready-to-use components, such as widgets showing a case list, task list, file upload, timeline and comments.

Whom is this template for?

This template is intended for modelers and developers who created or are intending to create a dynamic case management solution.

This template assumes that you are an experienced modeller and have a basic understanding of dynamic case management and business process modeling. 

Organization of this template guide

What is new in version 4?

Version 4.6.3

  • Example endpoints are added to the model, to create, search and open cases with REST services. This can be used to create regression tests.
  • A functional fey (zaak kenmerk) has been added to the model. By default a GUID is generated, this might be replaced by another key which is valuable in your specific context.
  • Termijnbewaking.vervaldatum is calculated during task execution, and handled as such in the process module. When this date is changed and resent to the process module, the timers based on this date will also change.
  • The entity Zaak_Sturing has been renamed to Zaak

Version 4.6.2

  • When starting/opening a case, the user will remain in the same window
  • Content style "full" has been added onthe main pages
  • Roles are added to the widget containers (lists in MainDashboard), and removed from the aggrgatelist container

Version 4

  • Documentation is added
  • Project, libraries and modules are renamed
  • Status attributes are split
  • File management is extended
  • Structure of case type implementation is improved
  • Removed library Basis_Functionaliteit
  • Added library Basis_ProcesDomein