You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 15. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

This release contains a critical issue where logging out doesn't work. This has been fixed in Release 15.10.2. Do not use Release 15.10 in production systems.

The Studio is shipped with an AquimaLibraries package version containing DCM Dashboarding beta libraries. This might cause other situations to not work anymore after upgrading to the latest versions of the AquimaLibraries. Please use the attached AquimaLibraries package found here when upgrading.

1. New:

1.1.  Blueriq Encore now validates all element types

Blueriq Encore now has full knowledge of the Blueriq model, allowing it to report validation errors and find dependencies in all elements. The blue message banners in the validation report and dependency report have been removed, as you now get the complete picture of your model in Blueriq Encore. Please note that not all editor functionality is in place yet, so some elements cannot be opened in an editor yet.

1.2. Custom services and containers

The AQ_CMIS_GetDocumentMetadata and AQ_CMIS_DocumentManager service calls and AQ_ExternalFlow containers can now be edited in Blueriq Encore.

1.3. Resource editor

The resource editor is now available in Blueriq Encore, allowing you to import CSV files in your models.

1.4. Package editor

Packages can now be created and removed in Blueriq Encore

2. Enhancements

Enhancement Details

Additional information about an element in the navigation side panel

Several elements now show additional information in the navigation menu, to allow you to more easily find elements. You can also filter elements by these labels, for example to quickly find all service calls of a particular type. Additionally, flows now show whether they are exposed and interaction modules show if they are an entry-point or implementation module.

Documentation for domain schema properties automatically grows for longer documentation texts

The domain schema editor now automatically expands the documentation input of a property to make it easier to edit documentation texts.

Use the Lettuce Redis driver instead of Jedis,
for External Flow and External Session storage

We encountered connection issues when connecting to Redis using the Jedis client library. These issues didn't occur when using the Lettuce client library, so we decided to replace Jedis with Lettuce. You shouldn't notice any change in behavior, except that Lettuce is more verbose in its logging, which can help when investigating Redis connection issues.

The Runtime development toolbar now also supports exporting the profile

We added the option again to export the Runtime profile from the Development Toolbar. It is possible to include or exclude the system derived values. You can use the profile exports in Encore or Studio for Unit tests (also in the model mapper).

3. Documentation

Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics.

4. Changes Platform Support

Our Platform support is updated.

5. Upgrade Instructions

The upgrade instructions for this release can be found here.

6. Artifacts

 The Blueriq artifacts are available under name:

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service 4.1.5
DCM Lists Service 2.2.6
Material Theme 1.1.0
Development tools frontend 1.3.0
DCM Maintenance App 2.1.13
Gateway Service 0.1.0
DCM Dashboard Service 0.1.0
Audit Consumer 0.1.5

7. Aquima Libraries

The Aquima Library has been updated, see below what has changed:

8. Libraries

In this release, the set of third party libraries that is used by Blueriq was updated. When your installation of Blueriq includes custom components (artifacts that do not ship with Blueriq, such as proprietary plugins), those components should be tested for compatibility with these changes.




Version in 1

Version in 2



MIT License





Apache License 2.0



9. Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

10. Bug fixes







The list of branch types would not be updated

Branch types are now updated when opening the branch menu



Elements that were changed using Encore could show inconsistent capitalizations of parent element names

The capitalization of element names is now taken from the actual element definition to avoid the inconsistency.



The table of globals in Encore would incorrectly deduplicate globals with the same name

All globals are now included in the table, even ones with the same name.



Data rules would not verify whether the criteria expression and goal assignment were compatible with the data type of the CSV column's data type

The criteria expression and goal attribute are now validated to correspond with the CSV column's data type



One variant of the DATETIME function was incorrectly configured to return a date value instead of datetime in Blueriq Encore

All variants of the DATETIME function now correctly use datetime as return type



Encore could inadvertently become unauthenticated, resulting in an inability to save changes.

Authorization logic has been made more robust which should help avoid this situation.



In some cases, a connection with Redis would be reset and it would not be reestablished.

We changed the Redis client library from Jedis to Lettuce and this resolves the issue.

11. Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues