You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

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The Studio home page is the first page you see after logging on.

Depending on the rights you have this page gives access major parts of the studio:

  1. All recently opened branches and their related projects
  2. Managing your personal user profile and settings
  3. Creating a new branch and project
  4. Selecting/managing a branch that is not visable in the recent project list
  5. Managing version history
  6. Managing other users and their access to different branches and projects

Recent projects

The recent projects section gives you direct access to your five last opened branches and projects. The project and branches are displayed as a tree with the following levels:

  • Repository
    • Branch
      • Project

You can open the branches and projects with a left mouse click on their name.

Clearing the recently opened list

You can clear the recently opened list via your profile page.

New project

The 'new project' option on the home page helps you to quickly create a repository, branch and project.

1. Project name

You are asked to enter a name for your project. This name will also be used as the name of the new repository that the wizard will create. As each repository must have a unique name, the project name must also be unique. Also take into account that general Studio naming conventions apply here, meaning that the name has a maximum length of 50 characters and may not contain any special characters other than “underscores”.

2. Empty or example project

You can choose if you want the wizard to create an empty project or use an example project. An empty project will have one implementation module which is also the entry point of your project. This module will have the same name as your project.

If you have a project that you would like to use as an example project, you must include that project in a package and place an export of the package in the Blueriq library directory. It will then become available in the Quick start wizard.

Default language

If you base your new project on an example project, the project's default language is copied from the example project. For new projects you are asked to select a default language from the list of languages. Supported languages are English(en-GB), Dutch(nl-NL) and Spanish (es-ES). If you choose any other language you should also provide properties files for built-in error messages and masks that require a language. There are some very exotic languages which can give a problem with the Runtime.

3. Finish

On finishing the wizard the new created project will be opened so you can start modeling right away.


Which settings you can configure on your profile page depends on the Studio security configuration (NTLM, NTLM-custom and Custom). For detailed information on this subject read Security and user management

NTLMNTLM customCustom
Username (1)--v
Full name (1)vvv
Email (1)vvv
New password (2)--v

1. Full name and Email

The user can adjust their full name and Email, but not their username (which is used to log in to the studio).

2. Set new password

The user can set a new password after clicking the set new password box.

3. Clear list settings and recently opened

While working in a project you can customize the list view of an item. The clear list settings button on your profile page reverts all list views to their default settings. Each time you open a branch or project, your list of recently opened projects is updated. The clear recently opened button on your profile page clears this list.

Branch selection

You can use the option Branch selection on the studio home page to get an overview of all repositories and branches for which you have read or edit access.

When you select a repository on the left side of the screen, it's branches are displayed on the right side. Select a branch and click Open branch, or double click on the branch name to open the branch.

When you notice performance problems when opening and see the Migration Manager in the Studio log, read this

Version management

When you are authorized to edit repositories, branches or branch types, the option Version management is available on your Studio home page. Read the Version management guide for further information.

User management

The user management option on the home page will be available if you are authorized to manage users or user access. For more information on this subject read User and access management