You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Table of contents

For a visualization of most concepts described in this chapter, see:

Repository structure

Create a project manually

To manually create a project you need to:

  • Open a branch in a repository
  • Select 'new project' from the ribbon and then
    • give the project a unique name (unique for the repository you are working in)
    • add at least one language
    • edit the project structure and then
      • select the interaction module tab
      • select 'new module' from the ribbon
      • check the option 'entry point' while naming the module
      • save the module structure.

Going through these steps will give you a minimal project in which you can start modelling your application. Pretty much what the quickstart will do for you, except you determine where your project is created and you get to name each object.

You can add more compontents to your project whenever you need it. Possible project expansions are:

  • Adding a language to make a multilingual application
  • Adding a layer to your interaction modules for reusing part of your model
  • Adding library references to reuse definitions in multiple projects
  • Adding a configuration and process module for modelling processes
  • Adding a configuration and detached interaction modules for integrating web services
  • Adding a specification module to link up specifiaction documentation to your model elements

Create a module

To create a new module:

  1. Select the right project and click on View structure.
  2. Click on Edit structure.
  3. Select the type of module you wish to create in the tree view on the left.
  4. Click New module in the ribbon’s Module tab or right-click on the Module structure canvas and click Add new module.
  5. Fill out a name and press Enter or click Ok.
  6. Save structure.

To create a new linked module:

  1. Select the module you want to add a link from. The new module will be defined on a lower level.
  2. Click and hold the Link icon and drag and release the New icon on the canvas.
  3. Fill out a name and press Enter or click Ok.
  4. Save structure.

Edit a module

To change a module’s name:

  1. Select the right project and click on View structure.
  2. Navigate to the right module structure by selecting the module’s type.
  3. Double-click on the module.
  4. Click on the Edit module name icon.
  5. Rename the module and tick the checkbox if you want to update all references to the object.
  6. Click Preview. You will see a preview of the impact that your rename action will have.
  7. Click Save.

To change an interaction module’s role:

  1. Select the right project and click on View structure.
  2. Click on Edit structure.
  3. Select the interaction module.
  4. Toggle implementation to create an implementation module and/or toggle entrypoint to create an entrypoint module.
  5. Save structure.


An entry point can only be set for interaction modules. In the module structure only one interaction module can be set as entrypoint. Exposed flows which reside in that module will be shown on the runtime dashboard, which are the flows you can start. Only top modules can be marked as entrypoint, and these modules can be normal modules or internal library modules. In most cases the module in which your dashboard is modeled is typically an entrypoint module. It is not possible to model an application without an entrypoint, the validation message in studio will say "RootModule: Value may not be empty".


By default each module is an implementation module. Implementation in this sense means that you need this module at runtime. Only implementation modules will be visible in the module overview list in studio (at the bottom right side). Similarly, only implementation modules will be included in the runtime export.

When setting up your module structure, you should consider unmarking as implementation all modules that are not on the top most level of the project structure. These modules are in most cases not an implementation and this reduces the size of your export, reducing the memory foot-print.

Delete a module

To delete a module:

  1. Select the right project and click on View structure.
  2. Click on Edit structure.
  3. Select the type of module you wish to delete in the tree view on the left.
  4. Select the module you want to delete.
  5. Click on Delete module in the ribbon’s tab Module or click on the delete icon on the right side of the node.
  6. Save structure.

    If a module is only removed from the canvas it will be displayed in the tree view with an empty circle. Only modules that are in the canvas are placed in the export to the runtime. As long as the module is visible in the tree view, it is still part of the project in studio.

    If you want to delete it from the project you also need to click Edit structure (right upper corner) first.

    The Delete option will be enabled.

    Both removing a project from your canvas and deleting it from your project can also be done from the canvas directly.

Set the modular structure of the project

Modules can be part of the modular structure of your project, but they can also exist inside your project or a referred library project without taking part in the project’s configuration. This way, you can inactivate a module without having to delete it. Only the modules that are shown on the Module structure canvas are part of your project’s modular structure.

  • Modules that have no role in your project can be found in the Projects’ tree view on the left side of the workspace screen with a ‘inactive’ icon .
  • Modules that are part of the project’s configuration are shown with an ‘active’ icon.

The modular structure of your project is set by dragging or creating modules on the canvas and linking them to eachother in the desired formation.

To activate an inactive module:

  1. Select the right project and click on View structure.
  2. Click on Edit structure.
  3. Select the type of module you wish to activate.
  4. Open the tree by clicking on the triangles in front of the module types and modules.
  5. Select and drag the module on the canvas.

To link two modules:

  1. Select the module you want to add a link from.
  2. Click and hold the Link icon and drag and release it on the desired module.

The linked module will move below the module you linked from and will now be in its scope.

To unlink two modules:

  1. Select the link/relation you want to remove.
  2. Click on Delete relation in the ribbon’s tab Module or click on the delete icon on the relation.

Copy a module

Remove a module from the modular structure

When you want to remove a module from the modular structure:

  1. Select the right project and click on View structure.
  2. Click on Edit structure.
  3. Select the type of module you wish to remove in the tree view on the left.
  4. Select the module you want to remove.
  5. Click on Remove selected in the ribbon’s tab Module or click on the remove icon on the right side of the node.
  6. Save structure.

  • No labels