You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 14. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

Before you upgrade make sure to read the General Upgrade instructions as well as the Upgrade instructions for previous versions.

The changes are color coded. Orange elements have been changed, Green elements have been added and Red elements have been removed compared to the 14.x release.

Trace event publisher

The Trace Event Publisher Component has recently been extended to enable storing trace data asynchronously using the Trace SQL Store component. To this end a new version of the trace event model was introduced, which contains information about the property value types in the event, as this information is otherwise lost. With this release, we make this the default model.

You can still use the old model if you depend on that, by setting the following property:

We do encourage you to adopt version 2.0, as version 1.0 is of now deprecated and scheduled for removal with R15.

Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues.