
Blueriq provides a service type AQ_NextTasksForMessageEvent. The implementation of this type in the Runtime expects a parameter called 'caseIds' (plural), just as the documentation on My Blueriq mentions. However, the library called 'AquimaLibrary' that defines this service type defined its parameter as 'caseId' (singlular).

This means that if you use service calls of this type and if you have filled a value for the parameter 'caseId' in Studio, this value will be ignored. So the runtime will make up a default value, which is:

  • If a service of type AQ_ThrowMessageEvent was previously used, the runtime will use the affected case ids from that service call.
  • If no such service call was performed, the service will exit with the 'None' event.

Note that this problem wasn't detected until we added a deprecation warning in a newer version of Blueriq 13. If your solution is behaving as expected, you can safely ignore this deprecation warning.

We intend to make the 'caseIds' parameter mandatory in DCM 2.0, but leave is as-is for current DCM projects.


To solve this mismatch, we changed the definition of AQ_NextTasksForMessageEvent to have the parameter 'caseIds' (plural) in these versions of the AquimaLibrary:

  • For R11: AquimaLibrary 4.4.3
  • For R12: AquimaLibrary 4.5.5
  • For R13: AquimaLibrary 4.6.2


  • If you don't update the version of the AquimaLibrary in your project, you will not get this fix, so you only need to update your project
  • If you do update to this version of the AquimaLibrary mentioned, and you use service calls of type AQ_NextTasksForMessageEvent, you will not run in any problems, because the current value of the caseIds parameter is not used by the runtime anyway. Your model will keep working as it did.
    • If you want to fix your model, you will find your parameter list looking like this:

You can click the thrash can icon to remove the value of the ignored 'caseId' (singular) parameter and you can enter its value in the 'caseIds' (plural) parameter. Unfortunately, Studio cannot present the value of the 'caseid' parameter in this screen, so you would need to secure an export or a different studio to check the intended value.

After fixing all service calls of type AQ_NextTasksForMessageEvent in your project, you are encouraged to test your solution properly, preferable through automated tests.
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