In this Documents guide we will provide guidelines and possible solutions for modelling a readable and maintainable document. General documentation on Blueriq Documents and the elements it can contain can be found in the documentation Document.

Who is this design guide for?

This Documents guide is meant for business engineers. The main focus is on preparing and modelling a document (e.g. a pdf or word document) using Blueriq Documents. Note: it is possible to create documents using Blueriq Pages. Some considerations related to this can be found in part 1 of this design guide.

Organization of this design guide

This guide is organized in three parts:


The first part focuses on the solution as a whole. For example, do you need one document as an application report or a decoupled document street? The second part focuses on the preparation before you start modelling your document and the final part provides best practices and guidelines to create a readable and maintainable document model. 


Modeling documents in Blueriq means modeling the contents of the document itself, the logic that determines when a certain document part is applicable and adding elements that determines its look and feel. 

This visual does not aim to be complete, but rather to provide insight.

Links in the image
DocumentsContent StylesPresentation StylesMasksExpressions

Document element

Content item


Text item

Content stylePresentation styleMask


Reusable Expression

  • No labels