You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.

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1. New

1.1. Value list integration in expression editor in Blueriq Encore

  • Ctrl/shift + click on a value from a value list in an expression will now open the corresponding value list editor, allowing quicker navigation.
  • Value list items are now suggested after using ctrl + space in a condition alternative in a decision table or condition node in a flow, which helps reducing the mental load of the Business Engineer.
  • Similarly, assignments into an attribute with a value list, such as in AQ_Instance_Create and AQ_Instance_Update service calls, the available value list items are now also suggested.
  • Next to the technical values, display values are now shown in the list of suggestions provided by the expression editor, allowing for a smooth selection.
    • Hovering over a value list value that is known to correspond with some value list also shows the display value and the name of the value list it belongs to.

1.2. Flow and process editor improvements in Blueriq Encore

  • Flow and process shapes have been reintroduced to distinguish different node types more easily.
  • Exception exits are now only displayed when connected or when the corresponding node is selected, ensuring a tidy and organized flow.
  • Position and size of newly added nodes has been optimized to reduce resize and reposition actions.
  • Appearance of exit nodes have been improved.
  • Alignment of nodes with the grid has been improved.
  • In some cases, a border could appear around the flow or process. This border is now hidden.
  • Newly added nodes have the dropdown automatically focused, allowing you to start typing immediately.
  • Flow nodes can be resized to fit by double clicking the resize handle.

1.3. Entity editor improvements in Blueriq Encore

  • The layout has been optimized to improve readability.
  • Attributes are now preceded by an icon telling you in which module the attribute is defined.
  • Attributes are now succeeded by the name of their base entity, if any.
  • Cardinality of relations is now shown both ways.
  • Visual consistency with the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) has been improved.

1.4. Search in element in Blueriq Encore

When opening an editor from the search view, a panel is made available that can be expanded to show where in the element the occurrences were found. It is also possible to open a search panel using a button that is available in the toolbar of each editor. Multiple search panels can be opened, each with their own search query.

1.5.  Validation report per editor in Blueriq Encore

When navigating from the project validation report, a Validations panel is now available to show the overview of reported errors and warnings within the editor itself, making it easier to locate where the error is reported. The panel can also be requested from the module selector popout by clicking on the error or warning icon in the list of modules.

1.6. Detailed insight into where a dependency is used in Blueriq Encore

When navigating from the dependencies panel, a Usages panel is made available to guide you towards all usages of the element that you navigated from. Similarly to search, this enables you to more easily find where in the element the usages occur.

2. Enhancements

Version and release notes added to project structure in Blueriq Encore

The version and release notes of internal and external libraries can now be viewed and edited from the detail panel in the project structure view.

Improved readability of expressions in Blueriq Encore

Min and max size of expression fields have been optimized troughout Blueriq Encore in to reduce the need to open the expression editor popout.

Automated project configuration in Blueriq Encore

Newly created Configuration- and process modules are now automatically included in the project configuration.

Optimized layout of conditional value lists in Blueriq Encore

The horizontal scrollbar that appears for large conditional value lists will now remain visible.

Optimized read only mode in Blueriq Encore

Expressions, flows, and process in read only mode (e.g. because its defined in an external library) are now visible as such.

Increased max width of secondary navigation panel in Blueriq Encore

The width of the secondary navigation panel, which displays the lists of elements, can now be increased more without conflicting with the propreties panel.

Project and dashboard exports encrypted by default

When exporting a project or dashboard from Blueriq Encore, the 'Encrypt' option is now checked by default.

Duplicate containment in Blueriq Encore

You can now duplicate items in a page or container in Blueriq Encore.

3. Documentation

Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics.

4. Changes Platform Support

Our Platform support is updated.

Changes are:

  • XXX

5. Upgrade Instructions

There are no specific upgrade instructions for this release.

As a best practice

  • backup your repository
  • backup your database before running scripts
  • backup your spring.config.additional-location directory ([Blueriq installation directory]\Runtime)
  • backup any config files you have altered under [Blueriq installation directory]\Services

before you start the upgrade.

6. Artifacts

 The Blueriq artifacts are available under name: 17.x.x.xxxx

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service4.2.x
DCM Lists Service3.0.x
Material Theme1.1.x
Development tools frontend1.5.x
DCM Maintenance App3.0.x
Audit Consumer0.2.x
DCM Dashboard Service0.2.x
Gateway Service0.1.x
Document Renderer2.1.x

7. Blueriq Libraries

There are no specific Library updates for this release.

8. Libraries

In this release, the set of third party libraries that is used by Blueriq was updated. When your installation of Blueriq includes custom components (artifacts that do not ship with Blueriq, such as proprietary plugins), those components should be tested for compatibility with these changes.

ArtifactIdGroupIdLicenseVersion in 17.x.xVersion in 17.x.x
ArtifactIdGroupIdLicenseVersion in 4.2.x (Blueriq 17.x.x)

Version in 4.2.x (Blueriq 17.x.x)

9. Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

10. Bug fixes

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

11. Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues

12. Security notification

  • No labels