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1. New

1.1. Deprecate elements in Encore

It is now possible to manage the evolution of a model by deprecating elements in Blueriq Encore using the built-in label called "Deprecated". A deprecation will generate a validation warning for each usage of the deprecated element. This signal can be used by business engineers to other business engineers to communicate that an element will be removed in a future version. 

1.2. OpenAPI feed improvements part 2

Continuing on the OpenAPI feed improvements that have been made in the Blueriq release 17.4 to provide standardized and clear documentation on Blueriq web services and thereby improve collaboration with consuming parties, the Blueriq 17.5 contains two more improvements:

  • You can now exclude specific operations from the OpenAPI documentation if you do not want to disclose this information.
  • Validations on fields and parameters are communicated automatically and as clearly as possible using JSON schema semantics in the OpenAPI feed.

1.3. Process messages for a deleted case in DCM Lists

Sometimes a message is processed in the DCM Lists for a case that has just been deleted. The reason for this is that messages can be processed out of order, especially when using multiple consumers. This used to lead to an exception, which would cause the message to be retried until it fails definitively in the maintenance app. There it would then have to be manually removed. To address this, cases are now no longer directly removed from the case engine, but instead get a flag that they are marked for removal. These cases are then ignored by the DCM Lists application, unless a message is processed that relates to that specific case. The DCM Lists application can then process that message by discarding it with a corresponding log entry instead of the exception.

Due to these changes, cases are no longer removed from the database causing the database to grow and negatively affect performance. To prevent such degradation, a cleanup mechanism runs at a specified interval to clean up cases marked for deletion before a specific time. For more information, see Case deletion in DCM Lists [editor].

1.4. Validations on uploaded files

The AQ_File_Upload container provides the ability to upload files and store an instance containing upload details in the profile. While this works well, it is often required to not only upload but also reason over the files that are uploaded. For instance for an application, you may require a document of type A and a document of type B. This is difficult to express in Blueriq, as the files uploaded are roaming somewhere in the profile and you cannot attach validations to it. To improve this, a parameter is added to the container which allows to designate in which relation file details should be stored. This makes reasoning over uploaded files much easier and allows for adding validations on the relation attribute, so you can validate not only if a document is uploaded, but also the type of document, the name, etc. etc.

The new parameter is optional, so no migration is required (except for updating the Blueriq libraries). 

2. Enhancements

Displaying all attributes and relations within an entity in Encore

An entity that is defined in, and opened from a lower level module scope now displays attributes and relations that are defined in a higher level module. Such attributes are preceded with an upward arrow indicating their higher level of definition. In such cases an eye-icon is present near the entity name as well that can be clicked on to toggle the scoped view.

Validation rules with invalid parameters may now be reported in the project initialization report.

Parameters of a validation type are now supplied to the validation type implementation during project initialization, such that failures during creation of the validation rule (e.g. because the parameters are invalid) are now included in the project validation report as error.

OpenID Connect has been consolidated into a separate component

The OpenID Connect feature has been consolidated into a separate component. See OpenID Connect Component [editor] for details, and read the upgrade instructions for this release to enable it if you need it.

3. Documentation

Documentation on the new features and improvements of this release is linked in the respective topics.

4. Changes Platform Support

Our Platform support is updated.

Changes are:

  • Added support for Oracle JRE 22 and Azul Zulu OpenJDK 22

5. Upgrade Instructions

The Upgrade Instructions for this release can be found here: Release 17.5 Upgrade Instructions [editor].

As a best practice

  • backup your repository
  • backup your database before running scripts
  • backup your spring.config.additional-location directory ([Blueriq installation directory]\Runtime)
  • backup any config files you have altered under [Blueriq installation directory]\Services

before you start the upgrade.


 The Blueriq artifacts are available under name:

This release includes these versions of Blueriq components with a separate life cycle:



Customer Data Service5.0.4
DCM Lists Service4.0.5
Material Theme1.3.4
Development tools frontend2.0.1
DCM Maintenance App5.0.4
Audit Consumer1.0.5
DCM Dashboard Service2.0.3
Gateway Service1.1.1
Document Renderer2.2.2

6. Blueriq Libraries

For this release, the BlueriqBasicModelling Library 1.3.0 has been updated. Please upgrade to the latest BlueriqCompleteLibraries Package.

7. Libraries

In this release, the set of third party libraries that is used by Blueriq was updated. When your installation of Blueriq includes custom components (artifacts that do not ship with Blueriq, such as proprietary plugins), those components should be tested for compatibility with these changes.

ArtifactIdGroupIdLicenseVersion in 17.x.xVersion in 17.x.x
ArtifactIdGroupIdLicenseVersion in 4.2.x (Blueriq 17.x.x)

Version in 4.2.x (Blueriq 17.x.x)

8. Retirement announcement

There are no specific retirement announcements.

For a full list of deprecated features, go to Deprecated features.

9. Bug fixes







Dropdown menus would be opened above the dropdown if the list of items exceeded the available space below the dropdown, even if there was more room available below the dropdown.

Dropdown now always open downwards when there is more room available below the dropdown.



Duplicating a project from within Encore would incorrectly duplicate all module elements directly into the project, instead of the module they should be part of. This resulted in an error when saving the changes.

Duplicating a project has been corrected to duplicate all containing elements into the correct parent element.


Java Runtime

When using Discovery for OpenID Connect settings, and when the Identity Provider wouldn't supply the optional 'alg' parameter in its JWK response, the runtime wouldn't load this public key.

JWK Public Keys are now loaded if the 'alg' parameter is not supplied by the Identity Provider.



The content in the REST service editor was not scrollable, resulting in parts of the editor to be invisible and non-interactive.

The areas that may contain content that can overflow have been made scrollable.


When using JWT authentication, the property would not be honored when starting an authenticated flow through the development dashboard. Instead it would always use the default value of "/login".

The is now also honored when starting an authenticated flow through the development dashboard.



The entity editor would withhold information when it did not allow for the content to be editable.

The entity editor now shows all information regardless of it's editability



A conditional value list can only use multiton entities that correspond with the entity of the attribute that uses the value list, but incorrect multiton usages would only be reported as error during project initialization, not in Encore.

A validation that a conditional value list only uses multitons that are in scope has been added to Encore.


A timeout could occur in the Maintenance App when restoring the cases and tasks for the DCM Lists Application.

The operation is now running asynchronously in the background.


Epoch seconds were not converted to Date correctly in the Maintenance App views.

They are now converted correctly.



Various editors would re-expand tree items even if they had been previously collapsed when re-entering an open editor.

Tree nodes are now only automatically expanded when initially opening an editor, not when re-entering an editor.


Documents created by the document import wizard always required extra nodes with specific content styles in order to be compatible with the default Blueriq XSLTs for the document renderer. Doing this manually after a document had been imported was quite tedious.

Nodes with the content styles 'Normal' and 'Body' are now automatically added to documents created by the document import wizard.



Editing text items in Google Chrome could show erratic behavior when deleting content using backspace or delete, as well as inadvertently moving the cursor to the beginning of the text.

Various improvements have been made to reduce the chance of erratic behavior.

10. Known issues

For an overview of known issue please refer to: Known issues

11. Security notification

  • No labels