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DCM_WorkList vs AQ_WorkList

The DCM_WorkList retrieves its data from the Blueriq DCM Lists Service, as opposed to the AQ_WorkList which retrieves its data from the Process SQL Store. The DCM_WorkList is only available when the 

Include Page
 is enabled.

Features not supported

The following features of the AQ_WorkList are not yet supported on the DCM_WorkList:

  • Setting a limit on the number of results


The DCM_WorkList container can be used to create a tabular overview of a person’s work or case load (see Containers for Lists). Tasks will be displayed in a table that consists of columns which can contain ‘data’ (entities, attributes), ‘task data’ (task details), ‘actions’ (buttons and events), 'custom fields' and 'case metadata'

A work list is used in combination with a set of service calls to assign tasks to a user, execute tasks, get information about tasks or retrieve a task’s status. Please refer to the Service Types section for more information about service calls and how they relate to the worklist container.

There are four types of columns that can be used in a work list container:

  • Columns of the ‘data’ type are used to uniquely identify a ‘case’ that relates to a given task. The data to be displayed is the data which is part of the profile of a case. This data is retrieved from the process database. To display data, it is needed to create the same attributes in the module where the work list container is placed.
  • Columns of the ‘task data’ type are used to display details regarding a given task. The data to be displayed is information which is default stored by the process engine for every task.
  • Columns of the ‘action’ type are used to add buttons and events that will be triggered for a given task.
  • Columns of the 'custom field' type are used to display data which is added as extra task data for a task by a business engineer.
  • Columns of the 'case metadata' type are used to display metadata attributes of the Case aggregate


Container options

  • Display text when list is empty: A text item can be selected which will be displayed when no task is available in the work list.
  • Show all tasks: By default, the work list will only show the tasks assigned to the current user based on the routing algorithms. Check this box to override this option so that you see all tasks in the system.
  • Show started tasks: By default, the work list will not display started tasks. Check this box to show started tasks as well. Started tasks will always be locked.
  • Paging size: The work list supports default the functionality of pagination. The number of tasks which are displayed on each page of the work list can be set to your liking (>0)
  • Target attribute case ID: The case id is stored in this attribute. You can use this attribute also in the filters for task data.
  • Target attribute task ID: The task id is stored in this attribute.
  • Group by case: By checking this option the work list will group the tasks for the same case together and only show task data for separate cases.
  • Presentation styles when locked : Determines the list of presentation style that should be applied when a task is locked. 
  • Case aggregate: the case aggregate which is used by the cases of the tasks.

Column options

  • Header: Select a TextItem that is used as column header.
  • Visible: You can make a column (conditionally) (in)visible to the user. This can be very useful in combination with a filter.
  • Filter: A filter can be applied to the ‘data’, ‘task data’ or 'custom field' columns to filter the results shown in the work list.
  • Order by: You can sort tasks in the work list based on ascending or descending order of values in a column. This is a default setting and can be overwritten by the user at runtime.
  • Mask: A mask can be specified that is applied to the shown entry.
  • Presentation Styles : Determines the list of presentation styles that should be applied on the column. 

There are quite a number of filter options which can be applied to the data and task data columns:

EqualsAll single-valued datatypesResults in true if the value of the task equals the filter value.
Not equalsAll single-valued datatypesResults in true if the value of the task is different to the filter value.
Less thanAll single-valued datatypesResults in true if the value of the task is less than the filter value.
Less than or equalsAll single-valued datatypesResults in true if the value of the task is less than or equal to the filter value.
Greater thanAll single-valued datatypesResults in true if the value of the task is greater than the filter value.
Greater than or equalsAll single-valued datatypesResults in true if the value of the task is greater than or equals the filter value.
LikeStringResults in true if the filter value is a substring of the value of the task.
Not likeStringResults in true if the filter value is not a substring of the value of the task
InMultivalued datatypesResults in true if there exists an attribute in the multivalued task value, which is also present in the multivalued filter value. If you use a single-valued attribute, this function behaves like equals.
Not inMultivalued datatypesResults in true if there exists an attribute in the multivalued task value, which is not present in the multivalued filter value. If you use a single-valued attribute, this function behaves like not equals.
UI Text Box

Unknown values are not saved in the database. This means that when you want to filter with an unknown value (e.g., you want to show all tasks which have attribute X unknown), the query will return false, because this attribute was not saved.

UI Text Box

When disabling the ordering on a column, the ordering is random. In previous versions it was still ordered on the time that the entry was created.
