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titleWhat is it for?

The AQ_InstanceLinker is used to set a Relation between a user-selected instance of a multiton Entity and another (singleton or multiton) instance via a dropdown list

What does it do?

The AQ_InstanceLinker displays a dropdown list of instances. The InstanceLinker container should be added to the page through a relation. When the page is committed, the relation is filled with the selected instance.

How to - add an AQ_InstanceLinker to a Page

  1. Create a new Container
  2. Select AQ_InstanceLinker as the Container Type
  3. Set the correct parameters (see below)
  4. Add a new Relation to your Page
  5. Select the Entity that you want link to a user-selected instance
  6. Select the Relation that leads to the multiton Entity for which the user should select an instance
  7. Select the AQ_InstanceLinker container that you just created
  8. A dropdown box will now be shown on the Page in the Runtime. 


Versionfalsefalse> 12
Select entitySelect the name of the entity of which you want to select the instance.StringtrueYes
AttributesSelect the attributes from the instances you want to show in the selector.StringtrueYes
SelectionExpression used to get a subset from the entity instances.BooleanfalseNo
Sort orderOrder to sort the instances shown, based on the shown attributes (if the first attribute is not unique, the second attribute is sorted and so on){None (default), Ascending, Descending}No> 11.3
Sort attributeInstead of sorting by the attribute values selected on the 'Attributes' parameter; sort by a specific attribute.StringNo> 15.1
RequiredChoose Y (yes), N (no) or C (conditional). If conditional, an editbox appears to edit the condition.{Y,N,C}falseNo
Read-onlyChoose Y (yes), N (no) or C (conditional). If conditional, an editbox appears to edit the condition.{Y,N,C}falseNo
RefreshChoose Y (yes) or N (no).{Y,N}falseNo
Presentation StylesSpecify a list of presentation styles to be appliedList of Presentation StylefalseNo


To let a user select a billing address out of several addresses they have submittedyou could create an AQ_InstanceLinker that displays entity Address and attributes Address.StreetAddress.HouseNumberAddress.City.Image Removed

Image Added

 would then add a Relation a relation to your page or container and select "Customer", 
"HasBillingAddress", and this AQ_InstanceLinker:

Image AddedImage Removed

The result would look like this:

Image Modified


The pink text in the example above is the display name of the container and the bold black text is the question text of the relation "HasBillingAddress".


Behavior before 10.7: The display text of the AQ_InstanceLinker is used as the question text of this relation, even if the linker text field is empty and the relation question field is not.

Behavior after 10.7: The display text of the AQ_InstanceLinker is only used as a header. (Blueriq 10.7 Release Notes, CSD-2135)