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The DCM_CaseSearch service is used to search for specific cases, for example related cases to the current one based on some condition. A list of search criteria can be set as input and and the service returns one or multiple caseId's case IDs as output. Process data, case data, case metadata and dossier metadata can be used to search for cases, each with their own properties. It's required to specify the case aggregate if 'case metadata' is added as a criteria entry. Also, there is an option to set the maximum amount of results. The output parameter, the attribute which will contain the case id'sIDs, can either be single or multivalued.  The The DCM Lists Service will be used as the source for case data.







Case aggregateInputModule element AggregateSelect the case aggregate type to search. This is only required if a search criteria entry of type 'case metadata' exists.No
Target attribute for case id(s)OutputEntity

Select an attribute of the target entity on which attribute you want to store the found case Id(s).
This attribute can be singlevalued or multivalued.

Maximum resultsInputIntegerThe maximum number of results, the system will stop after reaching this number.No
Search criteriaInputList of search criteria.See "Search Criteria".Yes

Search Criteria


Select an entity/attribute from the process profile to filter on.

Case data

Select a data field from the case aggregate to filter on.

Case metadata

Select a metadata field from the case aggregate to filter on.

Dossier metadata

Select a metadata field from the dossier aggregate to filter on. The field property is not validated against a list of possible metadata fields as, most of the time, the dossier aggregate is not in scope where the service is used.  


The search criteria all adhere to the pattern <type><properties><operator><value>. The value can be single or multi, depending on the operator. See the list below.


Used with metadata of type

Value can be

EqualsAll single-valued datatypesSingle value
Not equalsAll single-valued datatypesSingle value
Less thanAll single-valued datatypesSingle value
Less than or equalsAll single-valued datatypesSingle value
Greater thanAll single-valued datatypesSingle value
Greater than or equalsAll single-valued datatypesSingle value
LikeStringSingle value
Not likeStringSingle value
InAll multivalued datatypesMultivalued
Not inAll multivalued datatypesMultivalued


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