Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Corresponding with material release1.2.0 (packaged with Blueriq 16.3)

Changed in this version

  • added content style Expansion
  • added content style Modal
  • added content style Tree
  • added content style Stepper
  • added content style Bottomsheet
  • added presentation style Slider
  • added presentation style Chips
  • added presentation style


  • Badge 

View file


MaterialTheme.library (2).zip

Content styles in this version

Content style name


Bottomsheetfeedback component
ExpansionContainers will be expandable
FullContent on the page should take the full width.
LargeThe content on the page is large (width).
MediumThe content on the page is medium (width).
ModalA web page element that displays in front of all other page content
ResponsiveThe width of the content on the page is dependent on the width of the window.
SmallThe content on the page is narrow (width).
StepperA wizard-like workflow by dividing content into logical steps
tabsUse this on a container to display its subcontainers as tabs. Ideally used on readonly containers.
Treeexpandable tree structure for containers

Presentation styles in this version

Presentation style name


AccentShows an element with a specific color as background. In this case the secundary color is Purple.
AlignRightAligns the elements in a container to the right.
AllOptionsVisibleThe presentation style AllOptionsVisible will show the options in a multivalued field with domain as checkboxes.
AnimationCan be used to animate. For instance to animate statistic charts (like pie, bar etc.)

Can be used on a single-valued domain-list to have auto completion on a select. Can be used in combination with multi-valued attributes to have a auto completion on a chiplist

Badgebadge number for text/icon
ButtonIs used whenever something is displayed as a link and it must be displayed as button instead. (for instance: Document link)
ChipsAttribute multivalued readonly
DangerShows an element with a specific color as background.
DisabledShows read-only fields in a disabled input style.
DoNotShowSearchUse this presentation style to hide the search box for an instance list
FlatButtonIs used to display buttons without having a border and a transparent background.
HorizontalThe presentation style horizontal will show the attributes inside the container horizontally.
icon_bar_chart *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_book *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_briefcase *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_calendar *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_cog *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_comment *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_download *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_edit *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_envelope *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_exclamation *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_exclamation_triangle *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_folder_open *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_home *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_inbox *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_info_circle *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_pencil *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_phone *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_plus *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_remove *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_time *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_times *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_times_circle *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
icon_user *1A font Awesome icon; can be used in buttons and containers as prefix for display name
InfoShows an element with a specific color as background.
IntroductionDefault a container is shown in a white border on the background. The presentation style introduction shows a text inside a container with a grey background, without border. This is only usable for text items.
LargeTextDisplays a input field as text-area.
OnlyIconDisplays only a icon when used on a button. No caption will be shown.
PasswordAdd the password style on a string field that you will use as a password field to obscure the text in the input box.
PrimaryDisplays a button as a primary button
RadioDisplays a domain list as radio buttons.
SecondaryDisplays a button as a secondary button
SliderAttribute number
StatisticBarDisplays a bar chart
StatisticDoughnutDisplays a doughnut chart
StatisticLineDisplays a line chart
StatisticPieDisplays a pie chart
StatisticRadarDisplays a radar chart
SuccessShows an element with a specific color as background.
SwitchDisplays a checkbox as a slide toggle.
TertiaryDisplays buttons with a tertiary chosen color.
TextEmphasisWith this presentation style you emphasize a piece of text, by making it bold
TextEmphasisIntenseWith this presentation style you intensely emphasize a piece of text, by making it italic
TextEmphasisSubtleWith this presentation style you subtly emphasize a piece of text, by making it underlined
TransparentDefault a container is shown in a white border on the background. The presentation style transparant shows a container with a grey background, without border.
WarningShows an element with a specific color as background.

Within a `Horizontal` container, children can have presentation styles like `Weight<number>`

If you have a child with `Weight3` and another child with `Weight1`, the total weight number would be 4. The first child will take 3/4th of the available horizontal space and the second child would take 1/4th.

*1 : These icons represent font-awesome icons. This is without the prefix icon_ x and the lower-dash are upper-dash. Example:

  • Fontawesome icon: exclamation-sign becomes in Blueriq Encore: icon_exclamation_sign
  • To create a new presentation style for a Fontawesome icon in Blueriq Encore, copy the name of the icon you want and replace the Font awesome prefix 'fa fa-' with 'icon_' and replace all hyphens (-) with an underscore (_)


The version of fontawesome that is bundled with Blueriq is 4.4.0. There is no separate documentation page for this version, see for the documentation about 4.7.0.

When selecting an icon check to see if it is introduced in version 4.4.0 or lower.
