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TSL format

There are two different types of formatting available in TSL, number formats and date formats. Both formats are applied to attributes or expressions in the same way.




  • expression: is a number or date

  • format: is the number or date formatting


In TSL, you can use number formats to change the appearance of numbers, without changing the number behind the appearance. The number format you apply does not affect the actual value. In this context a number can be any of the following basetypes; number, integer, currency or percentage.

The number formats used in TSL are common Java decimal formats. The most commonly used formatting symbols are listed below. For a complete documentation we refer to the online java documentation that is available at

0Digit_zerodisplays insignificant zeros if a number has fewer digits than there are zeros in the format
#Digitdisplays only significant digits and does not display insignificant zeros
,Thousand separatorThe integer portion of a number is often split into groups by a grouping separator. Western numbers generally separate numbers into thousands, or groups of 3 digits. However, other styles exist.
.Decimal separatorThe separator between integer and fractional parts of a number
-Minus signSign to specify a negative value
;Sub pattern separatorSeparates formatting for positive and negative numbers
%Percentage signMultiply by 100 and show as percentage
¤(ALT_0164)Currency signUse localized currency symbol (for € sign simply use ALT_0128)
Escape characterUse special characters as ordinary characters

These symbols are used to create a format pattern. How this pattern is created is shown in the examples below.

To use the symbols as ordinary characters in your expression use the escape character.

Note that the formatting depends on the language that is used. This means that when you specify a thousand separator , in the Dutch language this is outputted as a .


Format patternNumberResult (with English language)Result (with Dutch language)
{#,##0.## %}0.880 %80 %
{% #,##0.##}0.8% 80% 80
{¤ #,##0.00}9813756.198£ 9,813,756.20€ 9.813.756,20
{#,##0.00 ¤}9813756.1989,813,756.20 £9.813.756,20 €
{#,##0.00 €}9813756.1989,813,756.20 €9.813.756,20 €
{€ #,##0.00}9813756.198€ 9,813,756.20€ 9.813.756,20


In TSL, you can use date formats to change the appearance of dates, without changing the date behind the appearance. The date format you apply does not affect the actual value.

Date patternRangeDescription
d1-31Displays the day as a number without a leading zero.
dd1-31Displays the day as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
M1-12Displays the month as a number without a leading zero.
MM1-12Displays the month as a number with a leading zero when appropriate.
yy0-99Displays the year as a two-digit number (using the last two digits).
yyyy1-9999Displays the year as a four-digit number.
h0-11Displays the hour as a number without a leading zero, based on the 12-hour clock.
HH0-23Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero, based on the 24-hour clock.
hh0-11Displays the hour as a number with a leading zero, based on the 12-hour clock.
mm0-59Displays the minute as a number with a leading zero.
ss0-59Displays the second as a number with a leading zero.
S0-9Displays the decisecond
SS0-99Displays the centisecond
SSS0-999Displays the millisecond
aN/ADisplays AM for times from midnight until noon and PM for times from noon until midnight.

The following characters are allowed to be used as separators in a date pattern:


/Forward slash
TTime separator

These symbols are used to create a format pattern.


Format patternExample result

NOW{hh:mm a}

09:40 AM

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