You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







End nodes in the flow and process editors could be clipped by a scrollbar

The flow and process editors have been updated to reserve sufficient space for the end nodes


Java Runtime

A custom runtime that was including a custom in the war file would not start up under certain conditions.

This has been fixed.



Dropdowns that let you select a metadata field of an aggregate did not navigate to the aggregate when ctrl/shift clicking.

Such dropdowns will now navigate to the aggregate editor as expected.


Java Runtime

With the introduction of the RelationToFileInstance parameter for the AQ_File_Upload container, there are some things missing or not working smoothly. So is the instance of the relation attribute in which the newly created file entities are stored, always created instead of reusing the active instance. Also, when files are stored in the relation attribute and validation rules are triggered for this, the frontend does not signal that there are validation messages, so you need to go look for them on the page.

Fixed resolving the instance from which the relation attribute originates, plus added the validation message in the correct way so the frontend can signal that there are validation messages on the page.


Java Runtime

Custom OpenID Connect parameters were not added to the authentication request when the application is started using a theme.

The parameters are now added to the request to the authentication provider.



Moving an attribute, relation or static instance between modules would not properly make the moved element available on the entity.

Moves of attributes, relations and static instances are now properly reflected on the owning entity.



While editing a flow, a node can be automatically resized by double clicking on the node's resize handle; which can be found in the bottom right corner of the node. When the text within the node exceeded a certain length and the node has a repeat expression set, resizing could result in a node which wasn't wide enough to display all text. This would cause it the text in the node to be broken up into two lines.

Automatically resizing has been fixed.



Clicking within disabled input fields would not cause a row to be selected, for example in the service type and container type global editors for globals within external libraries. This is a result of a change in Google Chrome 116.

A workaround to Chrome's change in behavior has been found, such that rows can now be selected through disabled input fields again.



When editing expressions, a completion menu can be shown. Attribute completions in this menu are accompanied by an icon which corresponds to the data type of the attribute. For completions with a 'percentage' data type, a square was shown instead of the icon.

The icon is now properly shown.



Missing validation for when a Blueriq validation does not have a message.

Blueriq validation message without a message are now reported as error.



In REST Services and Domain Schema's the target entity of the relation is validated covariantly which is incorrect

Change the REST Service and Domain Schema to only allow invariant entities for the target entity of the relation


Java Runtime

When formatting historic dates from a DateValue or DateTimeValue to a String other than the ISO8601 String, you could use the Blueriq DateFormat. However because the underlying java.util.Calendar and java.time.ZonedDateTime classes sometimes treat historic time zones differently the difference in formatted date output could be confusing.

We introduced a new method on the DateValue and DateTimeValue classes, which enables you to format to a String providing your own java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter. The Blueriq DateFormat should not be used anymore in combination with DateValue or DateTimeValue because of their different behavior. If customized parsing is desired you can use java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter to parse to a java.time class and use that to construct a DateValue or DateTimeValue



Encore doesn't validate that multivalued relations don't refer to a singleton.

A multivalued relation referring to a singleton entity is now reported as warning, corresponding with the warning that is shown in the runtime dashboard. 


Java Runtime

The AQ_StoreDecision service would fail if any justification text contained TSL which used a multiton instance, even if the justification text was meant for an attribute of that specific instance,

The AQ_StoreDecision service now activates the instance before expanding the related justification texts.



The tooltip of an expression editor could sometimes remain open.

The issue has been resolved.


Java Runtime

When an invalid CSRF token was received by the runtime, rendering the error page was delegated to the application server, which could leak version information if not configured restrictively.

The runtime now sends a JSON error when an invalid CSRF token is received.

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