You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 17. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.







The branch selection menu did not show branch type labels

Branch type labels were added back to the branch type menu


CVE-2024-38816 was reported on the spring-webflux and spring-webmvc libraries, which are used by the Blueriq Runtime and the Blueriq Gateway.

Upgraded spring-webflux and spring-webmvc to a version that fixes the CVE.


CVE-2024-38816 causes vulnerabilities on the spring framework dependencies (<= 5.3.39 and <=6.0.23) in the back up tool.

Suppressed the CVE because there is no upgrade path and the back up tool does not use the vulnerable dependency.


The Development Tools REST API documentation did not display the endpoint documentation snippets.

The Development Tools REST API properly displays all relevant snippets again.


When the case engine is shutdown (in the DCM installation), it keeps running for half an hour before the underlying Java process is killed. This means the memory kept by the case engine is only released after half an hour.

The case engine has some scheduled tasks to poll the outbox for messages. One of these tasks has a default interval of 30 minutes. When the application is shut down, it waits before this scheduled task is completed, explaining the waiting time of half an hour before the application is actually completely shut down.
Since these scheduled tasks run regularly and can be skipped, they are now cancelled on shutdown, allowing the application to shut down normally and instantly.


Encore allows dashboards to have multiple pages with the same eventType and eventContext combination which is not allowed in the dashboard service.

We have added validations to detect and report duplicate page events in dashboard in Encore and Studio Server



Using the middle mouse button for Encore specific functions would not always work in Chrome, Chrome would sometimes trigger scroll behaviour for no apparent reason.

Encore now blocks scroll behaviour in places where it has a middle mouse button action.

  • No labels