You are viewing the documentation for Blueriq 16. Documentation for other versions is available in our documentation directory.


This system attribute contains the current events, which can be set as parameters on an Event. This value is unknown if no event is triggered.

system.event (List)

Current events could be defined on buttons or as special events on specific container types.

System.event valueBehaviour 
_previousSystem flows back to the last visited page. Use this when no 'return' flow is modelled in the flow.
_draftSystem continues it's flow without validating the current page.
_voidSystem flows without submitting the current page. Use this on 'return' flows to allow a user to return to a previous step. Can be combined with the _previous event.
_refreshSystem refreshes the page without flowing. Use this to allow a user to manually refresh the page. 

Some elements automatically set a value in the system.event attribute.

Button Event Type system.event value
Validate and Continueno value


Button Refreshessystem.event value
Falseno value

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